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*6 weeks later*

I was sleeping in today because I stayed up with Jennie to help plan the wedding, it's extremely frustrating, im sure she stayed in too, I turned to my right and I felt extremely weird, Whats that smell? I suddenly made a run to the bathroom, as I was running I saw Jennie about to go in, I quickly pushed her out of the way and head for the toilet.

Jennie: what the fu-

Rosè: *pukes into the toilet*

Jennie: Chae are you okay?

Rosè: I-im fine Jenni- *pukes*

Jennie: open the door love

Rosè: oka- *pukes* *opens the door*

Jennie walked in and saw me in the awful state I was in, she walked to me quickly, and tied my hair up, and rubbed my back in circles to make me feel better

"Chae, what did you eat last night?"

"Same thing you ate, remember we ordered chinese take out", After I said that I started to puke again, she patted my back

"Okay love, we need to get you checked", she said as she continued to rub my back,

"Hmm, unnie, no hospitals please, I hate them"

"I-, okay, I'll go get something for you then, maybe something to keep your stomach down, it's probably just a bug"

"Okay unnie"

"Now lets get you cleaned up"

I took a shower and Jennie went out to get me some medicine, After i was finish I went and laid down on the couch, waiting for her, I then heard keys, and I quickly got up to help her with the bags.

"Well, I got you some gravol, the dude at the pharmacy said it should keep you from vomiting, and I also got you a- um"

"A what?"

"A pregnancy test, two different one to be exact"


"The dude said you're showing early signs of pregnancy and it doesn't hurt to try right?"

"Oh okay-"

*Jisoo's POV*

I was sitting at my desk, running through some stocks, I am tired as fuck, Lisa had me over at hers last night drinking beer and helping her with the wedding, I can't refuse, because im the bestgirl if thats a thing, I heard my office door opened I looked up and saw lisa

"Sup bro"

"Running through stocks Lis, is something you should be doing"

"Chill my dude" she chuckled

"Yups, so what's the matter?"

"Well, when are you going to snatch up my best friend........again?", she asked as i smiled

"Good things take time lalisa, looks at you and Jennie"

"Yeah I know, but everything is great right now, so go snatch her up and marry her right after us, and we can go on our honeymoon together"

"Wow lisa you dream big"

"Yes and look where I am today"

"Yes you're a multi billionaire"

"You are too"


"So whats stoping you?"

"For like the past 6 weeks we've slept together four times"

"Ouu the juicy details, so did you make her beg for it?, is she still as tight as she was when you were together? What positions did you guys try?"

Regrets (A Jenlisa & Chaesoo fanfic) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now