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Jisoo's POV
*3 months later*

It's been months, and I'm still living with Lisa, she said that she gets lonely at times and she enjoys my company, Rosè haven't tried to contact me, it's hard, I miss her so much, I still love her, if only she loves me the way I love her.

Sometimes I would see her at a cozy restaurant I go to for lunch, she would be with her boyfriend, Hanbin, I sigh every time wishing i was in his spot.

The way she loves him, she never loved me that way, with him her smiles are brighter, her laughters are louder, and every single 'I love you' is more sincere.

Can i be him?

I would give up all the money in the world for her to love me again, I don't know what went wrong.

*Lisa's POV*

*Next day*

"Jen unnie, How's your day going so far, haven't heard from you in a while"

"Oh please Lisa, we talked till 1:00 this morning"


"So I heard fashion week is closer than ever"

"Yes, its next week and hectic would be an understatement"

"My my, good luck though"

"How's Jisoo?"

"She's holding up, I mean she was in love with her for 7 years and counting, she still does"

"Yeah I know, it's sad"

"Anyways, Um, are you free anytime this week?"

"Lalisa Manoban, are you asking me out on a date?", she said and i can sense she said it with a smirk,

"Maybe, maybe not"

"Hmm, I'm free this Saturday"

"Great, get ready for 7:00pm, dress in comfortable clothes"

"YES!!, I mean yes, I gotta go now Lis, are we gonna talk tonight?"

"Of course "

She then kissed my cheek and left, I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks, but I then realized I was late too, so I rushed out.

*Skip to Night*

I already finished getting ready for bed, I was about to call Jennie when I feel my phone Vibrate,
I quickly answered it,

"Hey lis"

"Hey Jen"

"How was your day?"

"Hectic, and worse and i saw the Hanbin guy and Rosè fooling around, I lost my appetite"

"Hanbin??, thats the guy she cheated on Jisoo with?"

"Yeah, I just can't wrap my mind around the fact that they aren't a thing anymore"

"Me too"

"Im sorry lis, I'm really tired"

"No babe its okay, you can go and sleep"


"Oh sh.... Jen im sorry, it just slipped out"

"Hehe it's okay, Ima go now, Bye"

"Bye love"

When I heard the dead line, I quickly called Chae

" hiyoooo"


"Why the serious voice?"

"I know you know why"

"Look, I just don't wanna deal with it Lis, some people just falls out of love"

"Chae......I know you think you fell out of love, but try, I mean she cried Chae, the one and only Kim Jisoo cried"

"She cried?"

"So much"

"I- i didn't k-know she would"

"She did, she still cries, but she's getting better, why don't you call her?"

"Are you fucking crazy?"

"She cheated!, all those night where i laid alone in my bed waiting for her"


"Nothing, ima go sleep now"

"Okay bye lis, love you"

"Love you too"

*Jisoo's POV*

I'm here sitting on my balcony, cliche that after all this time I'm still thinking about her, does she think of me? Does she regret?, i sighed for probably the millionth time and pulled out my phone, and tapped on the envelope icon and clicked on her chat

To My Babygirl💗:
Hey, goodnight again

To My Babygirl💗:
I miss you

To My Babygirl💗:
Can we just start over back?

To My Babygirl💗:
I forgave you the moment i walked out

To My Babygirl💗:
Im sorry

To My Babygirl💗:
Please give us another try, we can do this
Seen 11:11

I sighed again, i closed my phone and opened the box in my hand,

I stared at What was supposed to be the ring I place on her finger, If she only knew how i searched for the stone, baby pink, her favorite colour, I downed the lasts of the alcohol in my glass, the pain is less with this

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I stared at What was supposed to be the ring I place on her finger, If she only knew how i searched for the stone, baby pink, her favorite colour, I downed the lasts of the alcohol in my glass, the pain is less with this.
I closed the box and looked at the unfinished mansion next door, nobody knows, but that was supposed to be our house, the one where we could raise our kids and grow old together, It's the reason i kept going home late, working harder to finished it faster, it's was all for her.

A tear escaped my eye, I let it fall, there's nothing I can do now, I got up and went to bed, another night , I'll cry myself to sleep for the girl I will always love.


Regrets (A Jenlisa & Chaesoo fanfic) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now