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*Jisoo's POV*
*2 Months later*

Well, I've come to the conclusion that I am being ignored, I've tried to talk to Chae so I can ask her to move on in our relationship, and no she hasn't contacted me yet, ugh, I tried so many times, For example

*flashback to 6 weeks*

I walked out of the cafè after getting my coffee and I saw Chae walking to her car

"Chae!!!!", I shouted, She turned back and saw me and widened her eyes

"Hey wait up!", I said and made my way over to her, she then started to look around like she's searching for someone, and then turned around back and got in her car

"Hey wait!!!", I yelled again, and ran faster, before I can even reach her car she sped off,

"Shit!!!", I yelled and looked around to see pass byers look at me.

"Sorry", I apologized in Thai and bowed.

Next example

I decided to meet her at her work place, I took some time off from work and went straight to the building, Its 4:00pm so she's supposed to get off work now,
I was about to head in but I saw her coming out already, she then rose her head and saw me, she turned back, I furrowed my eyebrows,

"Hey Chae wait!!", she then told the security guard something, and I was about to to go for her but the body guard held me back,

"Im sorry, you cannot go there, its off limits"

"Woah buddy, its fine I go in here all the time", I said and I was about to go in again but he stopped me

"Ms. Kim, they aren't allowing anybody to go in right now"

"Oh okay, I'll just wait then", I then went to the lobby and sat down, staring at the elevator door, waiting fir her to come out.

1 hour, another one and another passed, Now its 7:00pm, and she hasn't come out, ugh, she's probably extremely busy, I got up and walked out and drove home, I sighed, maybe next time.

Last example

*last night*

I walked up the apartment building of Jennie's and Rosè's I have a bouquet of Roses in my hands, I'm ready to ask her to be my girlfriend now, wow I'm nervous, I quickly walked up the stairs and stopped infront of the door, I quickly fixed myself, and knocked on the door, It took a while but then I started to hear voices, I couldn't make out what they were saying, but like 5 minutes after the door opened and there was Jennie smiling

"Hey Jen", I smiled

"Hey chu!!!!!", she said nervously

"Um is Chae here? i want to ask her heh", and a frown appeared on her face.

"Um, she doesn't want to see you"

"What?, why? What did I do?"

"You did nothing Chu, Its just that .......that s-she's sick, she doesn't want you to get sick too, yeah thats the excuse", she said and smiled nervously,

"Oh, okay, tell her I dropped by", I forced a smile and walked away, but I quickly turned back

"Give her this!!, tell her its from me", I said and smiled, she gladly took them

"I will Chu", I nodded and left,

Now back to today, I decided to give her time, and space, I sat on my chair, and looked at my paper work, Okay today im getting all of this done, I cracked my neck and I cracked my fingers, and I went straight into it.

Regrets (A Jenlisa & Chaesoo fanfic) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now