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Hoseok would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous.
He was finally gonna tell Yoongi that he liked him as way more than a friend.
Hoseok sighed shakily, and knocked on Yoongi's door gently.
"C-Come in."Yoongi coughed out.
See, he had recently came down with the flu, so he hadn't left his room and he had things brought to him.
Hoseok opened the door, and found it cute how Yoongi was huddled up in his blankets like a cute little burrito.
"Hey Yoongs...how ya doin?"Hoseok walked over and sat beside him on the bed.
Yoongi instinctivey shifted over to Hoseok, wanting his warmth right now. "Mm, c-cold. I-I'm happy you're here though. I-I haven't seen you since I got the f-flu."
"Yeah sorry, I just don't like seeing you sick."
"T-Then why're you here?"Yoongi looked up at him.
Hoseok sighed softly. "I made a deal with Taehyung."He started, closing his eyes as he continued. "If I tell you how I feel about you, he'll tell Jeongguk that he loves him."
"A-And how do you feel about me, e-exactly?"
Hoseok didn't look at Yoongi, staring down. "I like you. A lot. You mean a lot to me...y'know?But...it's not a friendly thing...it's more of a romance thing...god, this was a bad idea. I'm so sorry I know you don't like me that way and I understand if-"Hoseok was cut off by a pair of cold, soft lips crashing against his own warm, chapped ones.
Yoongi was kissing him.
The kiss held passion in it, too.
Hoseok, obviously, returned the kiss.
After about a minute, Yoongi pulled away. "S-Stop talking for a minute and listen."He paused, continuing when Hoseok was fully silent. "I-I'm honestly so glad you were the one to bring it up. J-Jeongguk mentioned that we have a lot of sexual tension around each other...a-and honestly?Y-Yeah, we do. I-I like you too, H-Hobi...I-I have for a while..."
Hoseok smiled softly, and hugged Yoongi, nuzzling into him. "So...what are we, then?"
"W-Well, what do you wanna be?"
"Boyfriends."Hoseok shrugged.
"T-Then I guess it's official. Y-You're my boyfriend."Yoongi smiled, before he sneezed. "N-Now go, I-I don't want you to get sick."
Hoseok chuckled, takin his hoodie off when he realised Yoongi was only wearing a tank top. "Here. It'll keep you warmer."
Yoongi smiled, took the hoodie, and put it on just as Hoseok left.

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