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Hoseok didn't let go of Yoongi that morning, and Yoongi wasn't complaining.
He wanted to stay in Hoseok's arms forever, and never part from him.
"Yoongi."There was a knock on the door, and the door opened.
Whoever entered audibly whined at the sight of the two lovers holding onto each other for dear life.
"Yoongi...come on, your parents are here to pick you up."It was Lisa.
She was a fairly kind nurse, yet Yoongi had never fully interacted with her.
"Please don't take him away from me..."Hoseok whispered softly, holding Yoongi close.
He was desperate to keep Yoongi here with him.
Yoongi nuzzled into Hoseok's neck, holding back tears. "I-I don't wanna leave..."
Lisa sighed softly. "Yoongi, c'mon, your parents are here. They wanna see their healthy little boy again."
"H-He's not here."Yoongi mumbled. "T-Their 'happy little boy' is only happy with his other half."
Lisa frowned, before she walked off to retrieve Yoongi's parents.
"I-I'm not leaving you."Yoongi declared softly, slipping his hand into Hoseok's own gently. "I-I don't care if I'm better. I-I won't leave you."
Hoseok sat up, pulling Yoongi into a hug, before he kissed his forehead. "Are you sure?I don't wanna hurt your mental stability by kee-"Hoseok was cut off by the shorter man pressing their lips together.
Yoongi didn't care who saw.
He wasn't leaving Hoseok even if it killed him.
They meant way too much to each other.
Hoseok felt like if Yoongi left, he would return to his old ways of not eating at all, while Yoongi felt as if he would go back to hurting himself.
Nobody truly realised how much they had helped each other.

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