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Taehyung and Jeongguk flat out refused to be apart.
A week had went by since Jeongguk returned, and they were always seen clutching to each other, like if they let go they would die.
Yoongi had made a few comments like 'how are you gonna piss if youre glued to each other?' but the two ignored that.
They could care less how difficult they were making things.
When Taehyung had therapy, Jeongguk would tag along, and if Jeongguk had to fill out some paperwork, Taehyung would always be in the same room as him.
Taehyung was getting more dependant on Jeongguk.
"This is unhealthy, Taehyung."Hoseok stated simply when he finally got Taehyung alone, taking a sip of water. "You can't keep tip-toeing around your feelings."
"That's what you're doing..."
"What?"Hoseok blinked. 
"You're tip-toeing around your feelings for Yoongi."
"No I'm not. Yoongi's my best friend, Taehyung, and nothing more."Hoseok was denying his obvious pining for what seemed like the millionth time. "Stop changing the subject. You have to tell Jeongguk how you feel."
"But I can't. What if he doesn't like me back?What if it ruins everything we have together?"
"You can't just ignore it, Taehyung."Hoseok frowned. "...listen...if you tell Jeongguk, I'll tell Yoongi."
"So you admit that you have a crush on him?"Taehyung glanced up>
Hoseok nodded. "He's beautiful. I wanna show him that."
Taehyung smiled. "Aw, cute."Then, he sighed heavily. "Fine. I'll tell Jeongguk and you tell Yoongi. That way if we both get rejected we can comfort each other."
Hoseok snorted. "Yep. Great idea. I'm off to find Yoongi."He stood up.
Taehyung also got up, wished Hoseok luck, and then he started to heazd towards Jeongguk's office.

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