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Yoongi was right when he said he helped Hoseok more than the psychiatrists could.
Hoseok listened to Yoongi on the phone, and listened to what Yoongi told him to do.
Namjoon had given Hoseok his phone back, and he gave Yoongi Hoseok's number to make things easier for them.
However, one day, Yoongi just stopped calling Hoseok.
No calls or texts came from him.
Hoseok was beyond hurt.
He was even more hurt when he heard Namjoon on the phone to Yoongi.
Yoongi was purposefully distancing himself.
Hoseok wanted to just text him and ask him why he was doing this, but what he texted was completely different.

To; Yoonie
I don't need you.

He hadn't fully registered what he'd typed before it was sent, and he winced when Yoongi replied.

From; Yoonie
Nobody ever does. Why did I think you were different?

To; Yoongi
You've been ignoring me!

From; Yoongi
Because I've been busy!I only called Namjoon today because he asked me to!But fine. You "don't need me". I dunno why I thought I was helping you. You know, I thought you were different. I thought you had genuine feelings for me. I had them for you. Whatever. I have to go. Nice knowing you.

Hoseok winced.
He just messed up...
He lost the one man loved because he jumped to accusations.
"He's never gonna love me again..."

Thank LosseBoi for getting me to do a sad ending

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