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There were three of them, two guys and one girl but one of them I instantly recognized. Amadeus. All their Dragon features were on full display, but something told me it was all just for show. The girl had a brown pixie cut and bright green eyes, but that not what caught my eye. It was the green across her face where highlight would be. The other man had small curved horns sticking out between his perfect silver hair and his glowing eyes matched.

I didn't stay too focused on them; my attention was instantly pulled to the one I already knew. Amadeus was dressed up in an all-black pinstripe suit and his deep red eyes were on full display. When they met mine, they started glowing a bit as a small smile appeared on his lips.

They stepped up to be greeted and things went quickly. When Amadeus kissed my hand, I got a strange but pleasant feeling inside me that lasted until he was out of the room. When we started walking out of the throne room, I could tell that mother wasn't pleased with how the night was starting. I could only hope that things were going to get better from here.

When we got into the ballroom, everyone was seated, and they had already pulled in another table to the back corner for the Dragons. We all quickly made our way up to the stage but before mother could step up to the mic, one of the council members pulled her aside whispering something in her ear. I saw her nod in response before she stepped up to give her speech.

"Thank you all for joining us for this year's Royals Ball for Royals Week, I hope you'll enjoy your time with us here in Litha." Mother said cheerfully. "Menus for tonight's dinner and dessert are at your tables and when you leave tonight, you'll all be given a small folder with all the information you'll need for this week and what you'll need to easily maneuver your way around our beautiful Kingdom. Now, before I can allow dinner to be served council has a few words to share with us."

Mother stepped away and the man stepped up. "Thank you, Queen Celeste, I'm sure we're all looking forward to exploring your beautiful Kingdom this week. Now, council has recently been discussing a serious matter and we've finally reached a decision. Since everyone is here tonight, we decided that this would be a nice time to announce it." He stated. "As we all know the Dragon Kingdom and the Dragon Lands have long been separated from us as a choice they decided to make after an unfortunate event years and years ago. They finally decided to come to us and ask to be reinstated as apart of our Lands making our seven Kingdoms renewed and back to the original eight. Council has decided that they will be reinstated and welcomed back into our family."

With that announcement, everyone's moods shifted from excited to tense. I could feel everyone getting riled up and upset but I knew that they knew better than to start a riot here and now. The angry whispers could still be heard radiating around the room. The man held his hand up and that was enough to get everyone to cease what they were saying.

"I understand why you're upset about this and yes we've gone over all the stories passed around about their kind but hear me when I say that you will accept this decision and you will play nice with them. I better not hear that you are starting anything with them or there will be consequences! They are one of us now and you will treat them as such!"

After that, we all exited the stage and went to our seats. Dinner was served and everyone was talking about tonight's 'exciting' events. People weren't exactly being discrete about their talk of the Dragons because everyone kept glancing their way. They looked unfazed but I couldn't help but feel for them. Despite council's orders, there was no way people were going to ever actually accept them. They would be invited to things out of formality, but no one would truly go out of their way to make them feel welcome or like they were actually apart of the Eight Kingdoms.

Indigo, Blaire and I quietly talked amongst ourselves while mother and her two closes friends, the Queens of Iverus and Nidel, joined in with the judgmental talk about council's decision and how the Dragons were just going to ruin the perfect system that the Kingdoms have going here. It took every fiber of my being to not jump in and try to defend the Dragons, but I knew if I tried to it would only mean a world of trouble for me later.

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