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It wasn't until I opened my eyes and saw the sun rays streaming through the window that I realized that I didn't win the fight against sleep. I sat up a little and saw that Amadeus was sound asleep with a few remaining files in his lap. I gently laid my head back on his shoulder and closed my eyes again. Unfortunately, I didn't get very far into the trip back to dreamland when Amadeus' phone started blaring. My eyes popped back open when he started to stir, I glanced up at him and saw him blinking the sleepiness out of his eyes. He made quick work of turning the alarm off as then he turned his attention to me.

"Looks like we both fell asleep." He yawned. I just nodded in response.

He smiled a bit and kissed the top of my head, "First time sleeping together."

I snuggled closer to him and closed my eyes again; I didn't want to get up just yet. I felt his chest vibrate as he chuckled, but he didn't make me get up just yet. I felt him wrap his arms around me followed by one of his fingers rubbing tiny circles on my hip. That small action was enough to get the sleepiness to start clouding my mind again. We laid there for a bit longer before I could sense Amadeus getting restless.

"We should really start waking up Kat." He whispered.

"Do we have to?" I mumbled.

"Unfortunately." He sighed. "I need your help with some work."

My eyes peeled themselves open and I looked up at him, "What sort of work?"

"More council paperwork." He answered. "Why do they need so much information?"

"You guys have been disconnected for a while so they need all the information on you so they can start keeping up with whatever's going on here," I stated. "Think of it as them backing up all of your information for the last however many years in case something happens to your originals."

He pressed a kiss to the top of my head, "You know, you're a lifesaver."

"I have my moments." I yawned.

"Now, get your cute butt up. We have work to do."

"But your bed is so cozy."

"Well then you can sleep in it tonight, and tomorrow night, and every night after that if you really want to."

I pretended to think for a moment, "Alright, sounds like a plan."

I sat up so he could get out of bed, as soon as he was up, he quickly disappeared into his closet. He reappeared a moment later with a shirt on and then he stood patiently waiting for me to pull myself out of his bed. Very reluctantly I got out of his bed, scooped up what we were working on last night, and followed him down to his office. When we got inside, Freya was standing there impatiently.

"What took you so long?" She asked, clearly frustrated. "You told me to meet you here and then you left me waiting for half an hour."

"Not my fault, I couldn't get Katalin out of bed." He shrugged.

She held a hand up to stop him from saying anything else, "I don't want to hear about it. What I want to hear about it why you needed me."

He pulled the stack of files out of my arms and put them into his, "Get these order slips up to the guards at the gates so these shipments can start arriving."

"Got it." She nodded. Then her gaze turned to me, "We should do something together, you know, to get to know one another."

"That would be nice." I smiled. "I could use a day away from this one."

That got her to laugh, "I'm starting to like you already."

She started to open her mouth again, but Amadeus jumped in before she got another word out, "You can't have her today so don't even think about asking, she's mine."

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