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In the morning I was already changed into my own clothes - which Indigo had brought me - when Seren came in. Amadeus and I stood there anxiously waiting to see what she had to say about my test results.

"You're completely fine." She stated. "I do suggest that you take it easy for at least the next week. No magic. No strenuous activities. Just relaxing."

"So, I can go home?"

"I see no reason why you should be stuck down here any longer." She nodded. "I'll be by in a few days to make sure that your soul and body are healing properly."

I gave Seren a big smile before letting Amadeus pull me out of the room. We walked as quickly as we could because we were both sick of being within the hospital walls. A carriage was already waiting outside to take us home, so we didn't have to wait around and could get home ASAP. I couldn't wait to get back home and be amongst the people I had grown to love.

Amadeus had already warned me that I was possibly going to be swarmed with people when we walked in the front door. He said that everyone had been asking where we were and what was going on, but Freya and Kellan were able to keep that at bay. I had already told him that it was okay to tell them what had actually happened when he thought the time was right. He was clearly hesitant about coming out with the truth, and I completely understood it. It wasn't easy to just come out and say something like this especially to a Kingdom full of Dragons. I'd come to learn how loyal they are meaning they'll do anything to protect those they love and care about, even if it meant harming the Queen of another Kingdom.

"You should trust them more," I said.

"I trust them more than enough, but they aren't used to having to play nice with the other Kingdoms." He responded. "Celeste just killed their Queen; they aren't going to take that lightly."

"Knocking her down a few pegs by impressing the Council and everyone else is going to be better revenge than anything anyone else could possibly think of." I pointed out.

"Are you sure you want to tell them tonight?" He asked. "You don't want to wait until you're completely healed?"

"They've been in the dark since I showed up here, I think it's time they knew what's been happening."

Amadeus leaned over and put a delicate kiss on my temple, "You're going to be a fantastic Queen."

The rest of the day came and went. Amadeus, Indigo, Semoda, and I made our way into the dining room completely prepared to tell everyone what was going on. Amadeus had his game face on and was prepared to make his point extremely clear. This was all taking me back to when I first arrived, and Amadeus had given everyone a vague answer of who I was and why I was here. Now today they were finally going to be getting the complete story.

We were the last to arrive so when Indigo and I sat down, he stayed standing and started talking.

"When Katalin arrived, I started asking you all to be patient with me and give me time and I would explain everything to you. That's exactly what I'm here to do." Amadeus stated.

He began to explain everything that had been happening. From him and I meeting to the plan Celeste had for years to me coming here to what had been happening over the last week. Everyone listened without interrupting because it was clear that this wasn't the time or place to start asking a million questions. When he was done explaining some people started talking and they were clearly upset, but he was quick to stop them. I could feel how upset everyone else in the room was but they seemed to know better than to speak out about it.

"Before any of you go getting any ideas, you are not to mess with Litha. You will not contact Celeste. You will not go after her. You will leave this alone and let the dust settle." Amadeus stated. "I worked hard to get the Council to trust us again and I will not have you ruining that. I promised that we wouldn't give them any trouble and I intend on keeping that promise."

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