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~ Amadeus' POV ~

It had been three days and things have only gotten worse. Katalin had been in and out of consciousness but ultimately Leven gave her something to keep her knocked out because the pain was just too much for her. Anytime she woke up it was instant screaming and sobbing until Indigo or Leven could give her stronger pain killers so he thought it was safer to just keep her sedated so her body wouldn't be damaged too much by the pain.

I was finally starting to feel a bit of pain, but it hadn't reached anything intolerable yet. It was enough for Seren to want me in this room full time so she could gauge the spell progression based on how I was feeling, not that I had left Katalin's side anyway. Freya and Kellan were mostly handling the Kingdom which I was grateful for. I honestly didn't know what I would do without the two of them, they were partly what kept me sane and this Kingdom in order which starting today had become a bit more difficult. Some had started to notice that they hadn't seen Semoda, Katalin, Indigo, or I around the Kingdom so they started asking questions. All they could tell them was that we were off doing things and they were sure that they'd see us around soon.

Speaking of Indigo, she had been hard at work helping Leven with potions, but she had also taken up to helping Seren and me when she got a break. The poor girl was running around all day to keep herself busy so she didn't have time to worry. It was something I wish I could do but Seren wouldn't be happy if I even attempted to leave her line of sight.

I looked up when I heard the door open and saw Indigo standing there with a tray of food.

"Any change?" She asked setting the tray on the table next to me.

"The pain is started to get worse," I answered.

"Do you want a small dose of pain killers?"

I shook my head, "When I want them, I'll ask."

"How's Semoda?"

"He finally started eating, but he hasn't left her side more than he needs to."

"Guess it's good I brought him a bowl of fruit."

"Enjoying working with Leven?"

This was the first time I had seen her light up over the last few days, "He's the best potions maker that I've ever had the honor of working with. He's been teaching me while we wait for things to brew so I have an entire notebook filled with notes."

Seren crossed the room to check Katalin's vitals for the millionth time today interrupting Indigo and I's conversation.

"Are you sure you'll be able to save her?" I asked for the umpteenth time.

"I've already answered that four times just in the last hour." Seren was clearly annoyed. "Trust us and everything will be okay."

"This is her life, her soul, and our connection that I'm trusting you with. I'm sorry me wanting to make sure that this is actually going to work." I snapped.

I saw Seren's mouth open so she could snap back but a voice quickly spoke before she could get anything out.

"Leave the boy alone," Leven said, I hadn't even noticed that he entered the room. "He's going through a lot. He's allowed to be snappy here and there."

Leven stole Indigo to help him with something and Seren mumbled something under her breath as he walked out. I chose to ignore it, arguing wasn't going to get us anywhere. All attention had to be on Katalin right now so things could go as smoothly as possible. I turned towards the food that Indigo had brought me and slowly started picking at it. When Semoda noticed me eating he came over to join me. When we were both done, I decided that we both needed some fresh air, so after convincing Seren to let us go, we both took the long trek back to the estate.

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