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We headed downstairs and standing in the lobby of the house were the people from Nidel and Iverus with their things. I could see their eyes darting around studying everything that they could see from where they were standing.

"Hi, we're sorry to keep you waiting," I said. "Welcome to the Dragon Kingdom."

Amadeus was talking to a few staff members telling them where they were to take these people and their things while I gave them their introduction.

"You have about five hours to explore the Kingdom, do some shopping maybe. There are drivers already chosen that can give you a proper tour and take you to the best places in the Kingdom. They also know when you need to back here so you'll have time to get ready for the ceremony so you should have nothing to worry about." I explained. "These staff members will show you to your rooms."

I stepped to the side so the staff could get by and lead them to where they needed to be. There were already a few others in line so as other people showed up, we'd be able to have things go smoothly.

"How many more are lined up?" Amadeus asked slipping an arm around my waist.

"Going on what Kat said, everyone else is already here according to the guards' count," Freya answered.

It wasn't long before the next round of people showed up and we were giving them the same spiel. Everything was going as perfect as we could ask it to go. We had plenty of time to greet one group and answer a few questions before the next group showed up. It was only about an hour of greeting which wasn't bad compared to other events that I had been involved in.

Once everyone was shown up to their rooms, we aimlessly wandered around for another little bit in case anyone needed any more information or had any other questions. As the staff came back downstairs, they told us that everyone was settling in just fine which made me happy. Since we were sure that everyone was settled in and would most likely be going to enjoy their exploring time, Amadeus and I went back up to our room for some personal time.

Things ran a little long, so we had to rush to get in the shower. Amadeus finished first so he headed out to meet Kellan, he gave me a quick kiss and vacated the room so us girls would have it to ourselves. When I got out of the shower Indigo was standing there by herself looking a little too excited.

"Why do you look like you're about to pee yourself?" I asked.

"No reason." She said, but it was clear that she was hiding something.

"Ooookay," I said. "Where's Freya? I thought she was supposed to be getting ready with us."

"She'll be up in a minute," Indigo said. She seemed to get even more excited when I asked though.

While Indigo stood there continuing to look suspiciously excited, I slipped into the closet so I could grab my dress and the box with my ear cuffs. It took a little longer to get down than I was expecting, and, in that time, I heard someone come into the room. Must be Freya. As I walked out of the closet, I started to unzip the bag that the dress was in so I could show it to them. They had been bugging me all day to send them pictures but I kept telling them that it was something that they had to see in person.

"Surprise." A familiar voice spoke from beside me.

I looked over and there stood Blaire. I threw what I was holding on to the bed and rushed over giving her the biggest hug I could manage. I pushed her an arm's length away so I could look at her.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in disbelief.

"Well, Indigo reached out after you died so I took it as I was okay to come out of hiding. So, she got me in contact with Freya here and we made a plan to get me down here for your coronation."

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