Deep Burn Blue

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"Hey Jake, can I borrow your shirt for my date--" I walk into Jake's room only to see him with MY girlfriend, Chelsea. 

"Are you fucking kidding me??" I scream at both of them. 

"Josh it's not what you think" he says, pushing her away

"Fuck you Jake. Fuck you too Chelsea." I scream, hurrying to leave before I punched him. 


I never forgave Jake for how he took Chelsea from me. So I guess that's where all the rage came from. Jake grabbed his nose, it was bleeding a little. 

"What the fuck, Josh?!" he screams at me. 

"Y/N is in New Mexico and it's all your fault." 

"SHE'S IN NEW MEXICO??" he practically screamed, "wait, why do you care so much?"

That was a good question, which caught me off guard. I didn't even know the girl that well, but I felt the need to protect her. Plus, I was in love with her best friend. I guess since we became famous, I feel like we had only met people who saw us as stars not as actual people. They all wanted something from us. But not Jen and Y/N. It felt different around them. Comfortable. I guess I just wanted Jake to be with someone who genuinely cared about him, not his fame. 

"You're my brother damn it, and I still want you to be with someone who loves you because you're you, not just because you're a part of Greta." 

Before I knew it, Jake was crying. First it was just a few tears, so I thought I was tripping, but then it turned into a little sob. He hugged me tight and sobbed. 

"I don't know what to do man" he sobbed to me "I let her go, and she already thinks I'm an asshole. I don't think I can get her back."

"The ones we love who truly love us will always come back to us in the end." I say

"In life you have to chase the things that are worth fighting for. And Josh, just for the record, nothing happened with Chelsea, I swear. She tried to come onto me, but I told her I was in love with Hannah. That didn't stop her. I would never do that to you." 

A wave of forgiveness washed over me. She hadn't been the best girlfriend to me anyway so I'm not sure why I believed she could do no wrong. I hugged him back genuinely. 



I had known since the party, that I didn't want to live a day without Y/N. I broke up with Jita as soon as I knew, I didn't want to hurt her either. Well more than breaking up. We had spent the past two weeks driving around states and looking for Y/N, it was impractical, but Jen hadn't heard from her either so we had no leads. We tried New Mexico first, but Nick said that she had left and didn't tell them where she was going. We had to leave for tour, so I would have to put off the search for a little, which broke my heart. I couldn't stop thinking about her. 

Where was she? Where are you my love?


I had been to Nick's but I knew I couldn't stay for long. The affection him and his boyfriend showed each other, while adorable, only made me think about Jake and the life I wanted with him. I decided to travel farther East, farther away from everything that hurt me and reminded me of him. I had made it across the country already and actually needed to sleep in a place that wasn't my car. I decided to go to Florida and see one more person. I kept thinking about it and thinking about it, trying to tell myself to turn around. 

I couldn't. 

I blast Midnight Rider by the Allman Brothers Band, letting my hair down as the intro started. I rolled the windows down and let the wind carry me on a silver ripple.  

Well, I've got to run to keep from hiding
And I'm bound to keep on riding
And I've got one more silver dollar
But I'm not gon' let 'em catch me, no
Not gon' let 'em catch the midnight rider

I arrive at my destination and ring the doorbell. 

The door opens and a smile creeps on his face. 

"I knew you couldn't stay away from me, kitten." Clark says, cockily. 


I know this chapter has a lot of jumping around, but there were some things I needed to fill in!

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