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**Jake's POV**

I looked at her dead on. She was so beautiful, even now, laying with her eyes shut. She was breathing softly, and she looked so peaceful. I pushed a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

I wish everything could be the way it was though. Before she was in pain. When the summer was warm and we were wild, carefree, young. 

The past seemed so far away now, and age had streaked our faces with patterns of worry. We were barely touring anymore. Josh had been the first one to settle down out of all of us, which we hadn't expected. While that was fantastic, and I was super happy for him, without our front man being single, our audience shrunk. We did want people to like us for our music, but the demographic shrunk. It was fine now, because I wanted to be here for Y/N in every single way that I possibly could. 

My phone buzzed. It was a text from Josh. 

Come out here now, its urgent. 

Well shit, okay. I didn't want to leave Y/N unattended, so I texted Jenny to come in here and keep her company. She showed up not a minute later, with a pissed look on her face. I asked her what was wrong, but she told me I needed to go out there for myself and see. 

I didn't even need to fully get to the waiting room to see what was going on. 

It was Jita, holding a knife up to her own throat. 

"Jita, what are you doing?" I almost screamed

"Jake, come back to me. Or I'll do it." 

"Jita, you know i'm with Y/N, plus you're married."

"No, that fell through. it was arranged. I loved you. I've always loved you."

"Jita, I-I can't..." 

"I'm serious Jakey, I'll do it. Can you live with blood on your hands?"

Fuck, what was I supposed to do. 


Hey guys, Just a warning that this isn't how I feel about Jita. I don't know her, but for the purpose of this story, this is how it is. 

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