One & Only

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It was the day before the wedding and I was so nervous. Jen had asked me to be her witness when they got married at town hall and Jake would be Josh's witness. Jen had refused to tell me the extent of the plan because she said it'll all just pan out. This kept her calm before her wedding, but all those jitters that she should be having were mine. Josh had let me steal Jenny away for the night. He mentioned having a bachelor party that night so he said it'd be perfect. I had told Jenny we were going to have a chill movie night with pizza and ice cream and lots of wine. I didn't tell her I actually planned a bit of a bachelorette party for her too. 

The doorbell rings and I open the door to be faced with Jenny clad in her mickey mouse pajamas. 

"Jen, no." 

"Jen yes. Come on you said chill night, and i've been dying to wear these!"

"I planned a bachelorette party for you though.." I whined

"Y/N YOU DIDN'T" she screamed

"yeah I did"

"Omg okay well I guess I have to change what are we doing where are we going"

"Jen calm down, now go get ready--party ready" I specify. 

An hour later Jen comes down in a black bodycon dress and her hair up in a high ponytail. 

"Okay let's go."

The night before the wedding was more wild than I planned it to be. I shouldn't have let Jenny drink as much as she did, but she wouldn't let me stop her. I couldn't have her being hung over so I had to make sure she threw up a fuck ton which wasn't pretty, but hey what are best friends for. While I had intended our night to be a bit of fun—just some clubbing with our friends, drinks and a scavenger hunt in places where she and Josh loved—we ended up at a strip club, where Jenny tried to get up and dance with some of the dancers, she spilt drinks all over herself and we had to fend off old men trying to lick them off of her. The rest of the night was vomiting, her telling me how happy she was that she was marrying Josh and that I was here for her, and giggling. I finally got her to bed at one point and made sure she was sound asleep and lying on her side before I went out to the living room and opened up my photo album on my phone. It was full of silly photos of Jake and I on a ton of adventures, and I couldn't bring myself to delete them. A single tear slid down my cheek and I brushed it away quickly. I wouldn't allow myself to cry over him anymore. I started to feel nervous about tomorrow again, and that's when I knew the alcohol was starting to wear off. I decided going to bed would help me push it aside a little bit longer.


The morning sun slapped me awake and I groaned in agony. I remembered the state Jenny was in and rushed awake to check on her.

"Jen wake up" I screamed

"Ugh," she groaned "Can't you be quieter"

"No, get up you're getting married"

She shot out of bed. "Fuck, I'm getting married!"

She ran to the bathroom, while I put on a pot of coffee for the both of us. Once the coffee was ready, I helped Jen get her hair, makeup and whatever else ready she needed.

I was unsure what to do with myself. I wasn't one for dressing up but this occasion I had to. 

I was changing my clothes when Jen came in and started gawking at me. 

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