Shadow Figures

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you decided it was best you told Jen what was going on. She was your friend after all, but you knew she would tell the boys. She didn't like Clark and she made that very obvious. She didn't know him like I did though...

"Babe, did you want to have a movie night tonight? I haven't seen you much lately." I said, cheerfully
"I'm supposed to go out with my roommate tonight to a party. You know gonna be his wing man and all." He said
"Okay! Have fun." 
"I probably won't, I'm only really going for him. Can you help me pick out something to wear?"
"Yeah sure." I jumped off his bed and went to his closet to find something casual but decent enough for a party.
"Thanks babe you're a lifesaver." He says planting a kiss on my lips. I smile.
"You're welcome to chill here, I won't be gone for too long. We can do something when I come back."
They leave and I watch a few episodes of the show I watch to catch up. I check the time. It's already 2 AM. He said he would be back early. Figures. I text him to make sure he's okay. I don't get a response for a solid hour. Then he texts that he's on his way back and he's sorry. He walks in tripping over his own feet, obviously drunk.
"Hey babe, I'm not drunk I swear. I am nauseous though. My voice is gone from all the screaming too." He said.
I take care of him, trying to not appear disappointed, but I was.
Little did i know then that every weekend after that was going to be the same way until we broke up.
I wondered what it would be like if Clark and I never broke up. We had been comfortable with each other right off the bat, telling our past traumas and deepest fears to each other before we had even started dating. Everything with him had just felt so safe. I wondered where that changed because I knew when it had. When he started going to parties and spending his weekends with some other girl and he didn't even have the balls to tell me. I hoped this girl knew what she was getting herself into and that she could handle herself because I doubt he changed. I knew i couldn't stay here any longer though, just being around him brought back old memories, ones I worked so hard to push back.
"Y/N, I'm coming." I mouthed silently as we settled onto the flight.
I was sitting next to Danny and he looked really worried for me.
"It's gonna be okay man, everything will work itself out." He reassured me.
I thanked him and turned on some music to calm me down—Our House by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young.

I'll light the fire
You put the flowers in the vase that you bought today
Staring at the fire for hours and hours while I listen to you
Play your love songs all night long for me, only for me
Come to me now and rest your head for just five minutes, everything is good
Such a cozy room, the windows are illuminated by the
Sunshine through them, fiery gems for you, only for you
Our house is a very, very, very fine house with two cats in the yard
Life used to be so hard
Now everything is easy 'cause of you
And our la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

I smiled to myself, this was one Y/N's favorite songs. I had a made a playlist of all the songs she would say were her favorite and made her smile. They reminded me of her and sunny days. I'm coming for you baby.
please don't let it be too late. I prayed to no one in particular.

We arrive in Florida a few hours later and get a rental car to take to Clark's. In the car, I'm an anxious mess, wondering what it'll be like to see her again after all this time and if i can contain my anger when I see him. I don't know what exactly happened between them, but Jenny had told me it had really broken Y/N and that broke me to hear. We get to his place and I already have an urge to punch him. I have to contain myself, for her sake.
Jenny rings the doorbell. We hear faint giggling, which I hope doesn't belong to Y/N.
The door unlocks and opens. He looks like even more of a douchebag with his shirt half off, and the damn khaki shorts and flip flops.
"Can I help you?" He says.
"Is Y/N here?"
"Who are you?"
"Her fucking best friend, is she here or not?"
"You just missed her, she left yesterday."
"Clark baby who is it?" Chelsea giggled, coming to the door. Her eyes went wide when she saw josh and I.
"Josh? Jake? Is that you guys?"
Josh tensed up. I played it cool and tried to make it seem like I didn't remember her.
"It's Chelsea! Remember I dated josh in like high school? I heard you guys are huge now!" She said, practically fawning.
Josh didn't speak. "Yeah," I said plainly "where's Y/N?"
Her eyes went wide. "Omg Y/N didn't tell me you guys were together! Clark baby did you know Y/N is dating a rockstar? I used to date his brother!"
Clark rolled his eyes.
"Like I said, chief, she left." He said, leering at me.
"Where'd she go?" I asked, concerned, ignoring his attitude.
"Some boyfriend you are, keep tabs on your woman." He said.
I couldn't fucking take this prick.
Before I knew it, my fist made contact with his face and I swear I heard a crack.
Everyone was in awe, but i felt the smirk creep across my face like wildfire in a desert.

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