Black Honey

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** JAKE'S P.O.V** 

I was staring at this beautiful girl. She twirled around like she was floating on a cloud, shining brighter than the sun. She was all mine. Finally. Our future flashed before my eyes. I had had 5 years to dream up what our lives could be, what I had hoped they would be. Now, it appeared to be closer than ever. I smiled to myself and watched her sigh into the world around her. 

Then, she started to fall. I reached my arms out instinctively to catch her. I kept calling her name but she was unresponsive. I didn't want to draw attention to her, because I know she would've hated that, but I guess someone else must have seen her fall. How did I know? Oh yeah, they screamed. Everyone went into a frenzy, and kept trying to crowd around her, but I just wanted to make sure my girl was safe. I pushed through the crowd, with her body in my arms. How had I not noticed how frail she was? She looked so pale and feverish now. I laid her down in the backseat of my car and tried to pin point the nearest hospital. The gps was taking forever, I didn't have a second to spare. 

"Come on, come on..." I said, growing impatient

The second it started working, I drove like a mad man. I carried her in my arms through the emergency room door and shouted for help. I usually wouldn't have been this dramatic had it been me, but I just got the woman of my dreams, and I wasn't going to lose her so quick. 

They took her in, and I waited in the waiting room for what seemed like hours. My heart was racing, and sweat beaded my forehead. 

I texted Josh to let him know what was happening. I told him not to stop the reception and that I would update them as I found out. I got up and started pacing back and forth. 

A doctor came into the waiting room. 

"Are you the family of Y/N?" He said, reading off a clipboard. 

"I'm her boyfriend." I said, nodding. 

"She's alright, just very weak, you can go in and see her if you like."

I practically ran to her room. Just outside the room, I peered through the clear glass window. She looked so tiny laying in that hospital bed, with all the IVs attached and machines beeping around her. I opened the door slowly, so I didn't startle her. 

"Hi baby." I said

She looked at me and smiled weakly. My heart broke into a million pieces. 

"Honey, what happened?" I asked, sitting in a chair by her beside and holding her hand. 

She turned away, not saying anything. I didn't push it. I didn't want to have her pull away from me so soon. I rubbed circles on the back of her hand with my thumb. I pulled out my phone and played Three Little Birds by Bob Marley from my phone softly. Way back when, every time one of us was feeling sad, we would play this song. She turned to face me again, a single tear rolled down her cheek. Then, the tears came rapidly like a roaring river. I smiled reassuringly at her and wiped each of them away with my thumb. 

"Breathe, baby, I'm here. I'll always be here for you." I whisper. 

I placed a kiss on her forehead. Her eyes were closed when I pulled away. 

"J-Jake..." she spoke so softly I could barely tell if I was imagining it or not

"Yes love?" 

"I-I'm hurting"

"I know baby, I wish I could take it away" I said, tears were starting to form in my eyes now

"I've been hurting a long time but.."

"But what love?"

"I-I-I..." She took a pause "I love you"

My heart burst. That was it. 

"I love you too, Y/N" I smiled at her, a tear slipping out of my duct. 

The doctor came in, shooing me out saying that she needed to rest. I agreed. 

"What happened to her doctor?" I asked

"She was suffering from nutrient deficiency. One of the common things we see in patients with Bulemia and Anorexia." 

I didn't know what to say. How long had she been going through this? Was this because of Clark? I had so many questions, but I knew the doctors didn't have the answers, and I knew that Y/N wouldn't tell me. 

"There is one more thing" The doctor said. 

I looked up at him. 

"We're lucky we caught it somewhat early, but I'm afraid she has Leukemia." 


This is probably going to be the second to last chapter. Thank you guys so much for reading, and stay tuned for the Sam fic i'll be writing after this. I love you guys so so much. 

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