3// "Periods."

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A/N: I'm just kinda pissed right now bc this chapter was somehow deleted and now I have to write it again





The next day at lunch, Fiona and I sit down at an empty table, me avoiding Lucy's icy looks.

Sometimes I wonder why I care what they think about me.

I am still a person.

I skip eating anything and instead watch Fiona eat and look through her biology notes.

"I've got this test coming up. Miss Kean sucks when it comes to tests. She's a crabby old woman."

I shrug. "Must be why she's not married, right?

Fiona laughs and takes a sip of her water. "I think she's been flirting with Mr Daimyo. Can you believe it? She's only forty nine! And besides, Mr Daimyo is way too good looking for her."

I grin and look down at my lap. I still feel awkward around my own best friend. She is popular after all.

"Are you okay? You seem a little, I don't know, nervous today." Fiona spears a leaf of lettuce, waving it around.

"Aren't I always?" I sigh. "It's my dad. He came over last night and he-"

She cuts me off. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Your dad came over last night? You didn't tell me!"

"Well I was already really anxious about it! If it talked about it anymore, I might've been sick," I roll my eyes.

"Anyway, he came over for dinner. And at first he was being nice and all, but then he turned into the man he was when he left my mom. He started criticising how I couldn't make any friends, and how I should stop being so shy. But I can't help it, can I? So after that, I walked out of the house and went through a couple of streets and ended up against a wall, crying. Why should I cry over him?" I ramble.

I'm suddenly embarrassed and turn away.

"Prick." Fiona mutters. "What happened then?" She asks, eagerness in her eyes.

"And then-" And then I remember how I met a boy with a motorbike and a black lip ring. He looked like one of those bad boys, but I could tell he wasn't."



"What is it? Tell me!"

"It's nothing!" I exclaim.

Fiona crosses her arms and glares at me. "Come on. What happened?"

I sigh in defeat and meet her eye again.

"Well, I met this boy. He drove up to me on his motorbike, said he saw me crying, gave me a ride home, introduced himself then said goodbye. The end."

She widens her eyes. "A boy? Who was it?"

"Luke." The name rolls off my tongue like a wish.

"Wait...is that the Luke that goes here?"

I nod.

"A cool and popular Australian boy! Congrats!" Fiona squeals.

I roll my eyes. "We aren't even dating. But don't tell anyone, okay?"

She winces.



Then right on cue, four tall, good looking boys walk into the cafeteria, get their lunch and look around the room.

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