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My mom left for work early, leaving me home alone since 8:00AM. I think back to last night, thinking of Ryder, Lucy's spiteful words and the blood.

I lie in bed for an extra hour, and get a text from Fiona.


Hey :/ You okay? I'm so sorry about last night. It's my fault. I get it if you don't want to talk to me. x

I close my eyes. She stuck up for me. She shut Lucy up. Of course I still want to talk to her. She's my best friend.

My phone beeps and I get another text from Luke.


Hey :) Can I come over today? It's okay if you're busy but I was hoping we could watch Snow White xD

I forgot about Luke. I sigh, ignoring the text and get out of bed and changing my clothes, wearing the same shorts as yesterday.

I head downstairs, ruffling my hair and looking in the mirror again. No, I'm not vain.

Since I have nothing to do today, I go back upstairs and unlock my phone, opening my photo album. I look at pictures of Ryder and I, and I wonder why I still have them. I see a few, not a lot, but a few of my dad and some of my mom and I. I see pictures of Fiona and I smiling together and screenshots of cute lyrics from some of my favorite songs. What if I am loved? What if I am wanted?

The corners of my mouth twitch.




I walk up to Ally's front door and press the bell, releasing a loud ring. "Oh, hello there. Um, are you a friend of Ally's?" A red haired woman appears at the door, smiling slightly. "Yeah. I'm Luke Hemmings. It's nice to meet you Mrs Winters." I grin, shaking her hand. Her smile fades as she looks down and folds her arms. "Actually, it's, um, Miss. Just call me Charlotte. But it's great to meet you, Luke. Come in." Charlotte leads me inside, stopping at the stairs. "She's upstairs. I have to go out now, again. Errands. It was good to meet you."

I nod and shoot her another smile as she leaves and I hear a car drive away.

"Ally?" I call up the stairs. I start walking up slowly. "Ally? Are you up here?" I reach the top and see a bedroom door open a crack. I walk in, looking around. The bed sheets are crumpled, and some books are on the floor. I knock on each door and finally reach the last one. "Ally?"

I notice it's not locked, so I open it. What.

I see Ally leaning over the sink with a blade in her hand, blood dripping from her arm, fat tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Ally!" I yell, snatching the blade and throwing it in the sink. "L-Luke-"

"What the..." I stare at her arms, and she covers them quickly. I pull them back up and close my eyes. She squeezes her eyes shut, another tear falling. "Leave me alone, Luke. You wouldn't understand."

My breathing speeds up, and I flush the blade away. "Luke!"

"No, Ally! Stop, okay? I don't like it. Please, it hurts. I care so much about you-"

"I'm sure you do. You know what? I'm sick of people pitying me! No friends, no social life, worthless and fat. Just, leave me alone!" Ally screams. I search her eyes but all I see is a hurt, broken girl inside. "What are you talking about? I'm not pitying you! No one is! Who told you that?"

She stays silent and begins sobbing, turning away from me and looking down at her arm. "You know you can trust me, Ally. I care so fucking much about you. I hate seeing you like this. Don't hurt yourself, please. For me." I say sadly.

"What do you know, Luke? You don't understand. Just leave me alone. I can take care of myself-"

"You think you're taking care of yourself? Fucking hell, Ally! Look at what you're doing to yourself!" I yell. "I know more than you think! I'm not some clueless idiot!" She turns around and stares at me coldly. "I know that. You don't need to worry about me, I'm just a waste of time."

I'm silent.

"I'm a waste of space. I'm fat. Ugly. Worthless. My feelings don't matter-"


"Nobody wants me. Nobody will ever want me. I'm useless-"

"Stop!" I scream. "You're so important to me. Don't you see that? Stop thinking about what others say and think about the people who love you, who care about you. Who take care of you, who look out for you. Why don't you think about them? I know it's hard, okay? Please, stop. You don't know how much it kills me to see you upset, to see you crying, to see you bleeding." I gulp, tears prickling at the back of my eyes. Ally's face changes into a look of sadness and wraps her arms around me.

"I'm sorry, Luke," She sobs. "I'm so, so sorry." I bite my lip and rest my chin on her head. "It's okay. Just...don't do it again." I fold her into a warm embrace. Her hair smells of strawberries and mint and she looks so beautiful right now, despite the bleeding arms and tears. I don't care what she looks like, she'll always be beautiful to me.

I look at myself in the mirror, closing my eyes and burying my face in her hair. "You're so damn important to me." Ally looks up, wiping her eyes. "Luke-"

"Shh." I kiss her forehead lightly and stroke her hair. "Come on. Let's go watch a movie." She beams at me with her perfect teeth as I take her hand, leading her downstairs and setting up a movie on her TV. I sling an arm around her shoulders and pull her close. I take in the scent of strawberries and mint again, leaning my head against hers.

And at last, everything's peaceful again.

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