20//The Fight

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I cross my legs on the couch and scroll through my texts. Nothing.
"Luke, you're not even watching." Michael complained, throwing a piece of popcorn off my head. Michael, Fiona and Calum decided to watch a movie on, you guessed it, Netflix and told me to watch with them. I hadn't really paid much attention to the movie thought, since I needed to check if Ally texted.
She isn't back yet and I'm starting to worry.

"Sorry. I need to-"

"See if she's alright? She's fine." Calum tells me, leaning back on the sofa.

"How do you know?"

"Because she went to the bridge with Ashton." Michael blurted. Calum punched his shoulder.

"I thought we agreed not to tell him!"

"Hold on, isn't that where people get married?" I ask, looking back down at my phone.

"Well, yeah. Or, you know, kiss and stuff." Michael babbles. Calum hits his hand off his forehead and groans.

"Kiss?" I sit up straighter. "Shit." I mutter. Fiona raises an eyebrow at the three of us, turning round to face me.

"They don't know what they're talking about, Luke. They might not be kissing. They could just be-"

"Making out." Michael snickers.

"Shut up, Michael!" Fiona and Calum yell. I close my eyes and groan, standing up and heading towards the front door.

"Luke! I'm sure they'll be back soon. Just don't worry about it." Fiona nods, turning back to the movie.

I sigh, giving in and sitting back down.

They'll be back soon.



I check the time on my phone. 1:00AM.

I throw it down and lean my head back against the pillows, staring out the window. I press my forehead against the glass and stare down at the garden. I tried sleeping a couple of times, but my eyes kept opening.

It's not that weird to sleep on my window seat is it? I only want to know when they come back.

I'm about to close my eyes again when I see a bright red light in the darkness and sit up straight. I look at the car parked outside the house and rush downstairs.

I walk into the living room and freeze.
Ashton is smiling while whispering in her ear, then giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. Ally smiles up at him then sees me.

Her smile is frozen in place and soon it fades. She gives me a warm hug, looking up at me.

"Luke? Is everything okay?"

"No. No, everything's not okay. Why would you do that?" I question, stepping backwards.

"Do what-"

"You kissed him, didn't you? You're dating?"

"It was one kiss, Luke." Ally says calmly.

"One kiss? So you just play around with other people's feelings like that? You kiss me, kiss Ashton once, come back to me then go back to him?" I'm more concerned about myself more than Ashton at this point.

"What? No! Why would I do that?"

"Seems like it."

She opens her mouth to say something but Ashton steps forward, cutting her off.

"I kissed her. We were just talking and then..." He trails off into silence, looking away guiltily.

"What? How could you!" I yell. "You knew I liked her, Ashton. You're a fucking douche!"

He frowns. "Hold on a minute-like Ally said, it was one kiss. Why are you getting so mad about it?"

Michael, Fiona and Calum enter the living room, watching the entire thing with confused looks.

"You don't understand. You get all the girls! Have you ever thought about me once? Just once in your life, have you ever thought about somebody else?" I yell at him.

"What kind of question is that? Of course I have!" He yells back. "You're just jealous, Luke!"

"Jealous of what? Why would I be jealous of you? You out of all people, are the cockiest, self absorbed dickhead I have ever met! Go fuck yourself!" I flip him off and he pushes me down to the ground, throwing a punch straight towards my eye.

Michael and Calum yell and Fiona comforts Ally, wiping tears from her face.

Ashton pins me down, throwing another punch and letting it sting. I fight the pain and push him off, rolling over and pinning his wrists down. I punch his stomach repetitively, ignoring the other four's desperate yells to get off him. I use up all my energy by throwing one last punch to his cheek, letting Calum pull me off him.

Ashton's eyes flutter closed as he groans in pain. Silence.

"Are you crazy? Look what you did to each other!" Ally screams. I feel something cold trickle down my cheek and dab my finger on the red liquid that runs from my eye. I look at my finger. Blood.

I stare at Ashton's body being hauled onto the sofa and stand in silence.
His cheek is dark blue and purple and he looks weak and tired.

Ally looks up at me one more time, this time a cold, hard stare and turns away, crouching down next to Ashton and caressing his bruise.

Why doesn't anyone care about what happened to me? He attacked me first, and now my eye is dripping with blood.

I storm past everyone and head upstairs, slamming my bedroom door shut and climbing up on to the bed, hugging my knees and rocking back and forth. My eyes close, and soon enough, I drift off to sleep.

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