10//The Sleepover

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I say goodbye to my mom and walk out the house, waving at Fiona. She smiles and sighs in relief, watching me get in the passenger seat with my bag. "Thank you so much for coming. I owe you one."

"You owe me a ton." I reply, buckling up and staring straight ahead. The journey's only fifteen minutes, and when the car pulls up in front of Lucy's house, my stomach churns.

I gulp while staring at the huge house to my right, with all the lights on and shadowed figures in the window. "Ready?" Fiona asks, unbuckling her seatbelt and placing her hand on the handle. "Yeah." I lie, and get out the car, slinging my bag on my shoulder. "I still can't believe I've never had a sleepover with Lucy." She walks towards the house with her yellow duffel bag swinging over her shoulder. I follow her to the front door as she rings the bell and a minute later I hear footsteps nearing.

"Fiona!" Lucy squeals, hugging Fiona in her pink polka dot pyjamas. I stand in silence while they have their own conversation, which only lasts a minute when Lucy notices me. "Oh. You brought her." She says with a sour look. Fiona glances at me and looks back at Lucy. "Lucy, be nice."

"Why don't you come in?" She smiles sweetly and turns back, the sour look appearing again. I sigh and see Fiona send me a look. I know that look. It's the I'm-sorry-just-ignore-her-and-you-are-the-bestest-friend-ever-and-I-do-owe-you-a-ton look.

I roll my eyes and follow Lucy upstairs to her room. She opens the door to reveal a fluorescent purple room with a silver chandelier hanging from the ceiling filled with ten girls with multi colored pyjamas. They all smile at Fiona but shoot me dirty looks.

This is going to be a long night.


An hour into the sleepover, I'm still wearing my day clothes and bored while all the girls talk and paint each other's nails. They all ignore me and continue talking.

I don't know how these girls never run out of things to talk about.

I would rather be with Luke, Michael, Calum and Ashton right now, watching Disney movies on Netflix instead of listening to girls who hate me screaming every time they see a picture of Lucy's jerk boyfriend, Daniel.

I stare out the window and jump when I hear Lucy say my name. I turn around to face her.

"Why don't we play a game of Truth or Dare?" She smirks, all the other girls agreeing. "I pick Ally to go first." Everyone's eyes land on me. "So what's it gonna be, Ally? Truth or dare?"

I look from side to side. If I pick dare, I know that Lucy will humiliate me in from of the most popular girls in school, but if I pick truth, it might not be as bad. I've learned to ignore them for three years, I can ignore them once more.

"Truth." I choose. Everyone giggles while Lucy taps her chin in thought. Fiona shoots me a concerned look, but I look away.

"I've got it." The smirk appears again as she leans forward. "Do you care about being unpopular and ugly, knowing you'll never have friends?"

I wish the ground would swallow me up.

"Do you care about no one loving you, not even your waster dad? Oh, and don't even think about Luke, or anyone else for that matter. They all just pity you, you know." A twisted smile takes over her face as tears spring to my eyes.

My heart shatters, just like it did when my dad hurt my mom, when Ryder abused me and when I thought about Luke actually caring about me. I know I shouldn't believe Lucy. She's lying.

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