Part 1

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Hiccup's P.O.V

         I run down the forest.I have to get to the cove to check on toothless. Berk still kills dragons i have to make sure toothless is OK. I really hope he's good but the gang is getting suspicious. I really don't want them to hurt Toothless. I have a feeling that Astrid might have came up with some ideas.

     I heard some movement to small for toothless. Oh gods! I hope he's ok. We had an intruder last night and I fear they may have stumbled upon him. I had to run faster. Toothless was still getting use to his tail. If there's a hostile he's in trouble.

     I had a feeling someone had found him. I've never hated being right more in my life. There sitting next to Toothless was a little person covered in armor. It was talking to Toothless and he was talking back. Weird. I crept forward. Sometimes I really hate my luck. I stepped on a twig and it looked up.

    It covered Toothless as if I was going to hurt him. Toothless bounded for me and licked me all over. "Toothless that doesn't come out!" The person in armor looked at us confused. It said something in a weird language. Toothless responded and it moved towards me. 

    It looked at me confused then said, "You viking, are you not a viking?" Definitely a girls voice, young girl, 12 or 13. I nodded. "Then why have you not killed him? Vikings are evil dragon killers but he tells me you fixed him and set him free?" Her voice sounded like a mix of fear and curiosity. 

    "I've never been like the others. I couldn't, I mean wouldn't kill a dragon." She nodded but still kept her distance. "Do the others know of him?" She asked. "No I don't want them hurting him. Your not here to hurt him are you?" She shook her head. "Can you keep him a secret." I asked. "Only if you keep me a secret," she responded.

    I'm find with that. "Deal" I said. I stuck out my hand. She looked at me weird and them slapped it with her's and moved back. "What's your name?" She asked. "I'm Hiccup. You?" She looked down. "I don't have one. I liked the name you gave Toothless. I am giving you enough trust to give me a name." 

      I could tell she barely trusted me so I thought of a good name to please her. Then I got it. "Estelle" She paused. "I like it." For those of you who don't know, Estelle backtracks to the word stella witch means star. Her armor made her look like the night so I thought it fitted. I couldn't really see but I think she was smiling under the mask.

     I looked her over. I noticed an arrow head stuck in her shoulder. I reached for it but she bit at my hand. Her teeth looked very sharp. "Sorry. I don't trust vikings near me." Estelle apologised. It was understandable. 

     We promised to meet hear again tomorrow. I headed back up the mountain to the village. My mind buzzed about Estelle and her weird ways. When I got back to my hut, I took out my sketchbook and a charcoal pencil and drew her. I tried to get everything just right.

         I don't know why I drew her. I never drew toothless for fear of being caught but I knew he was real. Her, I didn't. I heard a knock on the door and Astrid cam in. I slammed my sketch book. She looked at the book.

     "What was that about?" She asked. "Nothing, just doodling. So what brings you hear?" She looked at me and sighed. I could tell she didn't believe me. "I just wanted to know you were ok. You left training in a hurry." She said. "Yeah I'm find I was just in a hurry to work on a new project. You know me."

      "I do," she gave me an "I'm on to you" face and left. Whoof. I hope she doesn't get all, what's the word, Astridy about this. I could relax that night about Toothless. I had a feeling that if anyone was going to hurt Toothless they'd have to go through Estelle. From what I've seen already, I could tell that wouldn't be an easy challenge.


Thanks all of you are taking the time to read this. I promise it will be worth your time and if you don't agree please give me constructive criticism on how I can en prove. Thx fellow Fandom Freaks and enjoy my fanfic.

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