Part 5

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Astrids P.O.V
It had been 8 days since the incident with Alvin. I know a lot about her. Including weaknesses. Now I just need to get her and I'll be the hero. The problem is part of me wants to help her escape. Well, that part can die in a hole. I'm gonna be a hero!

I race back with Hiccup to the cove to "help" her. we were healing her infection she got from not treating that arrow wound and healing that weird armor for the damage that Alvin did. "Poor thing." well hiccup may pity her but I'm not falling for it. shes just another dragon. except she knows them. their weaknesses, their strengths, and the kinds of dragons we didn't even know excited. she could talk to them too. control them. she was exactly what we needed to bring down the dragons.

we got to the cove. she was sitting on a rock a little bit away from the entrance. i got out the bottle of elixer i had made earlier. it smelled like a normal healing elixer but i had brewed in dragonroot. one of the dragons' weaknesses. as she drank she seemed to be getting dizzy. i put enough in there that she should pass out instantly.

she conked out and fell on the forest floor. hiccup ran to her. "Estelle you ok?" he asked. huh, he actually cared about the beast. it hasn't even shown us its face. we don't know what it is. grab Estelle but hiccup protested. he tried to get her from me but i knocked him to the side. "Hiccup. she's not a person like you and me. we need to turn her into stoik." i said.

hiccup wouldn't stop. i knocked him out. now, what do i do with hiccup. i made a lie. she attacked him. she knocked him out and was going to kill him when i apprehended her. double hero points now. i ran carrying both of them. i burst into the great hall were stoik was having a meeting. "Stoick. i found the dragon. i have her. she was attacking hiccup. he was trying to catch it to prove he was worthy."

i gently layed hiccup down. "Stoick this is the dragon girl. she is more valuable to us than you thought. ii saw her talk to dragons. i saw her comand some and order them as if they were her servents. she maybe our key to finding the dragon nest." stoik agreed. they tried to take her mask off but i explained that the armor didn't come off unless she took it off.

"Well. we must get some of this armor then. wait are these wings?" "Yes, sir. like we told you she has wings. and fangs. i don't know what she is." "She's our new weapon," he said. Estelle was muzzled and put in a dragon proof cage. hiccup was sent to gothe. i was awarded a medal for my bravery and service to the village. i was so proud but i felt a little guilty. but i shouldn't shes a blood thirsty dragon. shed kill us. but yet she hadn't killed me and hiccup. in fact the day i met her she protected hiccup.

was i wrong to turn her in? was hiccup right? was it worth it?

Estelle's P.O.V.

      i wake up my whole body hurts. i look around my surroundings. dragon proof cell.. wait? do the hunters have me again?! no no no no no. i have to get back to my nest. i can't let the hunters win. i here loud footsteps echo above me and a voice. hiccups voice. "dad she's harmless. she saved me from a dragon ." lie but i knew he couldn't tell the truth without involving toothless.

     "She was kind and didn't hurt me at all. Astrid freaked out and hurt her." Astrid? she turned me in. as i came to my senses i realized my wings were clamped together. my mouth was muzzled. my hands and legs in some sort of chains that covered my hand to were no claws came out. i saw in the corner dragon root. they had a backup plan if i escaped. 

        i tried to break the chains but i was too weak. whatever Astrid did damage me. i started to growl witch made the talking upstairs stop. "We'll finish this later." i heard a gruff voice say. i heard the loud footsteps coming downstairs then entering the room with my cage.

     "so your awake creature?" i growled at him. he was big and had huge muscles. he'd break me in a minute. I'm on the skinny small side when it comes to dragons or humans.  but i ignored that. i kept pulling on the restraints. "I wouldn't do that beast," he said. 

    "what do you yu you want?" i tried to say in Norse. i usually spoke dragonese. self-taught in Norse so its a bit sketchy. "So you can talk eh? then start spilling. how many dragons are out there? wheres the nest? how do you work? who even are you?" i started to growl again. "there are more dragons than i can count. the ne na nest is none of your business. and leave me al lo lo lone!" i tried to say.

      "I wouldn't be talking like that to your chief. your an abomination. now you tell me who you are or i will kill the next dragon in front of you!" i went pail. thank god i had my mask so he couldn't see. i heard small footsteps come down. "hiccup," i said in a sigh of relief. surely he wouldn't let them.

     "How dare you speak to my son! hiccup does it know you?" hiccup nodded. "Dad i told you. she saved my life! she's my friend! please dad." he begged. "show me your somewhat human beast." i sighed. hiccup looked at me pleadingly. i sighed. i took off my mask. 

Hiccup's P.O.V. 

      i stood mouth open. i watched as Estelle took off her mask. her face was pale. she had bright emerald eyes. like toothless. her hair was a green cut to the length of a boy's hair. she seemed around 11. very young for what she's going through. i didn't even know how she got it off with those handcuff things. 

     she had two teardrops falling from her eyes. there were scars all over her face and a few bruises. "Estelle what happened" "Vikings. ho hu hun hunters to be precise." i wanted to hug her to comfort her but my dad grabbed my arm. "We may kill dragons but we wouldn't hurt a wee lass." her eyes went to slits.

      "But you did hurt me. you and your stupid village kill my family every day. you all are sick bloodthirsty killers. those dragons had families and friends. you stupid Vikings killed my mother!!!" she yelled. everything came out in perfect Norse. she was mad. dad hit her hard. "Dad! shes still a kid!" i shouted. he scoffed. "son. were are leaving this beast here for now. i want a word with you" i gulped and fallowed him out. sending a look to estelle that said quiet plainly "Sorry"

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