Part 17

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Hiccups P.O.V.

i sat on my bed. i havent eaten, slepted, or even went on a fly with toothless. its my fault.... i promised her i wouldnt let her get was all my fault. astrid came in. "hiccup please... we're all worried about you... we need to come up with a plan to get her back." she pleeded for me to leave my hut.

"Hiccup... please" i couldnt help it. i started to tear up. she hugged me. "its my fault astrid.." "No hiccup.. vego had this planned... he knew how to get us away from her. he knew exactly what he was doing...." she said. i hugged her close, afraid i would lose her too. "Astrid... will you help me get her back?" "Of course i owe her..."

i let go and get up. "o-ok.." me and her walk out of my hut and to the great hall to plan our attack. as we were walking we heard a thunder drum boom except it sounded really far away. the dragons perked up like it was a message. they freaked out. "H-hey bub what's wrong?" i ask. not in dragonese. i had to hide that. toothless told me back

"Estelle needs help. at vegos island. thunderdrum message." i read. we were all shocked that the dragons could do this. "W-well we have our first lead... we need to make a plan to get her back.." i tell the others. they look at me confused but dont ask. we all start planning.

"ok so heres my idea. we need to talk to mala. get some warriors. we're gonna need all we can get. vegos base is always a death trap. he always has a plan. we need to plan for every trap. we need to were the armor so that the arrows wont hit our dragons. we need to get those earpluges that we used for the deathsong so that that weird noise doesnt make our dragons go crazy again. we should come from the south because vego always has defense in the north. that doesnt mean that there wont be defense in the south.

we fly high, cloud cover, till we see a possibe place to strike. we'll need to send spys to gather infor mation on where he's keeping her, his plans for her, and to scope defense. when we do the attack we need two of us to slip in and go find her. stelf mission to retrive her while the rest of the attack is a distraction. just because its a destraction though doesnt mean it wont weekend i vote me and astrid be the ones to sneak in because astrid is the most trained in sneak attacks. twins you'll be on the main destraction snottloud youll help with the destraction but you'll also try to destroy whatever you can.

heather and fishlegs you two can try to locate important buildings. figure out what he's working on and blow it up. this may be a rescue mission but i want to see vego fall. we'll all take turns on the spy missions. now everyone got the plan?" i rambled. a switch flipped in my head and knew what to do. the hope of saving estelle gave me the boost i needed. im taking vego down.

Estelles P.O.V.

i sat in the cage waiting for him to come back. not like i wanted him too but it was all i could do. i had been upgraded to a new room/cell. it had a small pet bed and a food and water bowl. i clawed at the little collar he had put on me. i had to get out of here and warn hiccup. its all a trap. vego wants me for what i can do yes but he's also using me as bait.

i herd foot steps. it was riker. in my new tiny body he looked like a giant. i backed away from him scared but he grabbed me by the collar and picked me up. "Come here ya pipsqueak" he said as he stuff a rope to the collar. he dragged me with him to vegos entertainment hall. when the doors open i saw they're were a bunch of people. vego was throwing a party and i was the entertainment. joy...

vego took the rope from riker. i trried to run but vego picked up my frail small body and lifted me up. he looked into the crowd. "Everyone this is estelle, shes my new pet..." they all stared blankly. he dropped me. instinckly i spread my wings and kept myself from falling.

       They all gasp at me being a cross breed. "Show them what else you can do girl!" He says. I turn into my full dragon form. Everyone stares in aww. I hate it. I shoot fire at them. Vego yanks me down by the rope and kicks me "no!" I go back to my normal and say something in dragon. The dragons in a cage near by respond.

       I have a short conversation with the dragon. Everyone gasp at my language and finds me so interesting. People start asking questions "is she human or dragon?" "How'd you Fine her?" "How'd you train her?" "Whys her hair green?" "How old is she?"

     Vego was so happy with the attention, "I found her trying to Raif one of my ships. She's half human half dragon. I trained her throug harsh punishment. Her hair is genetically green. I don't know the age. Just a runt" he answered.

       He let them come up and pet me. He let them observe me. Some liked at my claws. Others my scales. Some looked at me eyes. I got so mad at all the touching and started to growl, my eyes going to slits. Vego hits me "I'm sorry.. she's acting up.. riker! Brother, take her back to her room and punish her." Riker smiles and grabbed me. He yanked me back to my room. He stood, twirling a knife "My turn. Ha ha! prepare for hell!"

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