part 4

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  Stocks P.O.V
I hurried as fast as I could. Third time this week's supply has gone missing from the healing hut. This couldn't keep going on. Whatever was stealing supplies had to be caught. when i got there i looked at what was taken. tweezers, cloth, water, ointment, and a little of the raisins. the cabinets had been clawed open.

dragons! why they'd steal this stuff i don't know. i had to have a village meeting. i had to tell the people to be on a lookout. i told gobber to gather all the villagers. when we were all in the great hall i looked around to make sure that was everyone. i don't know why but Astrid and hiccup both looked a little guilty. i eyed them suspiciously. 

     "It has come to my attention that dragons have been stealing medical supplies. Well, a certain dragon. I don't know what kind but it's not one we know. I have decided that the dragon academy will be tasked with finding it. Whatever it is." The teens, all except for Hiccup looked happy. Seemed normal.

    "I want all you to stay alert. It might come to you next. Stay alert. Oh, and I want it alive. It's crafty and I think it would be great for training." The teens nodded. Good, I'm glad that they are listening. i send them off to the Forrest. hopefully, they can find this thing. 

3rd Person

       They all went into the forest. the twins were pulling on each other hairs, seeing who would give in to the pain first. fishlegs was going through his knowledge of dragons trying to figure out what kind of dragon it is. there's some movement up ahead. hiccups heart stops. he looks at Astrid worriedly. he worries on the witch of his dragons friends it is. 

    hiccup saw Astrid grab her ax. he was confused. she knew of Estelle. but then he remembered that she didn't know toothless and his anxiety skyrocketed. "Look footprints!" fishlegs said. they fallowed them. hiccup was so worried. he recognized those footprints and he didn't like what they were. 

they all walked down deeper. the forest gave off a vibe that something was waiting. as they made it to the other side of the forest they heard growling and yelling. they all ran to the edge. there was Alvin the terrible and his crew. they were trying to lock up a weird-looking dragon. "wait... that doesn't look like a normal dragon?" fishlegs says.

YEAH LIKE THAT SHOULD BE THE CONCERN WHEN ALVIN THE TERRIBLE IS ON YOUR ISLAND. Astrid attacked the men. the others followed suit. "Alvin! what are you doing on Berk alivin!" she growls. he chuckles. "Friend of ours tipped us off about that little abomination right there," he says as the injured dragon person tries to get up. "But we see you all think that you got to it first, but that belongs to us" he says.

hiccups fist clenched. how dare they think of anyone as there position! he punched Alvin in the face. they all were in shock. no one knew hiccup had that in him. the men were in shock. "Why you little!" Alvin made to hit back but Astrid punched Alvin first. his men got in the fight. Astrid swung her ax at Alvin as but he was good at dodging. 

the men were trying to hit the others. hiccup snuck over and undid the chains on Estelle. she ran. no one saw him do this. Alvin had taken a beating by Astrid. he sees that she got away and curses. "She's gone! there's no point in staying here much longer, stoik and his men will be here any second" he says. they runoff. Astrid laughs. 

"Ha! Wimps!" she says. Snotlout looks over to the right. "Where did that thing go?" he says. hiccup is so relieved that she escaped. they walk back to the chief's hut. they had to tell this to stoik. they had to tell him what was happening and what that thing was. they ran back. all of them entered the hut. 

"Stoik! Stoik!" "Alvin" "Dragon girl" "Freak" Fight" "HIccup punch" "Got aweay" they all talked at the same time. "One at a time! so what happenen?" he asked. Astrid stepped forward. "We Went out for the dragon you wanted us to find. but you see sir, the dragon isnt a dragon. it was a half dragon half Viking thinkg. it had the shape of a Viking but scales and claws and wings. it was so weird! and alvin was on our island trying to take it. we scared alvin off but the thing got away."

stoik looked like he was thinking hard "This beast sounds like it could be useful. if its got dragon that means it knows all about those dragons, but if its got viking then it can tell us. i want you to findf it and bring it here." they all nod except for hiccup who was very worried and very scared. after they are dismissed he runs into the forest alone. he ran to the lagoon. he found toothless and estelle. 

"Hey... what hapened with alvin? are you ok?" he asked estelle. she shook her head no. she was bleeding from her scale armor as if it was apart of her. she turned. "Thats why i hate you. things like that. those terrible evil vikings that try to kill us and capture us as if we are their pets. that is why. now go. i dont want to see you." she says growling.

he trys to come closer but toothless gets in frount of her and growls. he backs off. he leave s and goes back to his hut. hes hurt and hes worried. but he understands. he understands why she wpuld hate him. hes a viking and vikings are evil to dragons and she is a dragon. he is a viking. 

Child of Dragons. HTTYD fanficWhere stories live. Discover now