Part 15

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Hiccup POV

i woke up to the alarms. i look over at Estelle who had shot up as well. we ran outside to see everyone else on the edge in a panic. "what's going on?!" i shouted. "vego's ships are coming in from all over!" Astrid shouted. Estelle started to freak out. "I knew this was a bad idea! no! no! no!"

"Estelle calm down its gonna be ok. were not gonna let him take you." she looked at me. "I could care less about me! he's gonna kill you all! and it'll be my fault!" "no, it's not Estelle. it will be fine" she nods though i doubt she believes me.

i put on my armor. Estelle never took hers off. she took to the sky i fallowed on toothless. i watched as all the dragons gathered around her but the riders looked confused. "stormfly and I weren't heading over here," Astrid said.

Estelle started speaking in dragon. it was a pretty short speech that non of us understood. then she looked up and said, "Hold on tight" we all grasped our dragons as they sped through the sky. they were attaching doing moves that we never even knew existed.

they dodged every arrow with precision. i looked back at Estelle but she wasn't there. a dragon with the same scales, flying where she was. i had never seen this breed before. Estelle never told me she could shapeshift.

she was kicking butt sinking ships left and right. finally, we had control over our dragons. now the real fun. me and toothless blasted ships and snatched hunters dropping them into the water. i looked around and watched the team work.

Astrid had jumped off stormfly doing combat on the ship while stormfly was blasting and shooting the heck out of those hunters. fishlegs and meatlug were practically drowning them in lava belch. speaking of belch, the twins were doing a weird version of wall of fire. well, whatever it was it was cool and worked. snotlout was just flames. they were burning everything they could.

then i saw something that made my heart skip a beat. s the hunters brought out something huge. it started making a noise. our dragons went crazy. it took all our might to get our dragons to land safely back on the edge. our dragons were whimpering at the noise. "Is everyone here" "Yeah were all here hiccup"

but everyone wasn't. Estelle didn't have a rider to help her land. i saw her plummeting downward toward the ships. toothless was in no condition to fly and help none of our dragons were. i watched as she fell and hunters shot nets to catch her. one did. i screamed, "No!" and started running as they loaded her but Astrid grabbed my arm. "Hiccup we can't do anything... we have to help our dragons" i knew she was right but i could lose Estelle again. i couldn't. then i herd her scream. i wanted to run and help her but they were already sailing away. no no, i lost her again... it's my fault. i started to tear up but i knew i couldn't do anything right now. but i know once we can fly again I'm finding her.

Estelle's P.O.V.

     I woke up in a dragon proof cell, chained and muzzle. i struggled in the bounds. i looked and even my wings were chained. i knew i was on a ship from the smell of seawater and the rock of the floor. i heard footsteps and saw vego come down. my eyes went to slits and i growled at him.

     "Now now Estelle... i wouldn't treat your master like that. i wouldn't want to hurt you know..." he says as he twirled a knife in his hand. i didn't back down. i realized my helmet was off. i looked around frantically for it. i notice my armor had turned back to its normal skin form. you see my armor does that. i had a white shirt that was much too big over it. no i mean way to big like it could be a dress.

       vego watched as i looked myself over. i don't remember being this thin... or small... "Like it? I've been working on a little contraption that makes dragons to weaker scale. Easier to train, to exploit." I growl. "What did you do!" He laughs. "I just made the all powerful dragon child a small little pipsqueak."

I growl. "Change me Back!" He Laughs. "That's not how you are to behave. Tsk tsk." He grabs me by met hair and bangs me against the wall. Than drops me down on the ground hard.

    i make a small grunt and he walks off. i hope hiccups ok. i don't remember anything after falling from the sky. after a while vego comes in with a branding iron. i try to scoot away but he grabs. me and holds me down. he presses the hot metal against my shoulder. it burns. i feel it straight though my armor onto my skin. he laughs as i try to hold back my screams. my eyes fill with tears.

      he drops me again right on to that arm. he kicks me then punches me. he does this over and over again. i hold back my cries. i will not give him the satisfaction. He sighs. "We'll pick this up tomorrow. That should give you some time to think of you wnat more pain or will obey." He leaves me in the cold cage. I curl up. Left alone with my thoughts and worries.

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