Part 8

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Hiccups POV
    I'm getting Estelle out today. She's been trapped here for a week now and I know she wants fresh air and to be back home. I raced to my little hiding spot. I saw Astrid there. So she wants to make up for her mistake? Well if she helps than she's forgiven.

She smiles at me and I smile back. "Thank you for wanting to help..." I say. She smiles bigger. "I brought more help.." she says. The rest of the gang comes out. "Shes very rare.. I don't want her killed.." fish legs said. "We just like breaking stuff." Tuff and ruff say. "I'm here so that you don't all get killed." Snotlout says. I know he actually wants to help.

I smile. Friends... they may be mean sometimes but they are here t help. I run through the plan. "We need to destraction the guards" ruff and ruff smile. "Leave that you us." I nod. "Than we'll need to get to the bottom of the prision and pick the locks" snotlout and fishlegs nod. "Lastly we'll need to help her out." Astrid smiles.

"Let's go team." I say. They rush into action. Ruff and Tuff blow some things up in front and the guards run to it. We go in. Fishlegs picks the locks while snotlout picked up the heavy metal. Astrid and I went in and helped her up. Once she could stand she blasted a while and flew up and out.

People shot at her but she dodged them. She made her way to the lagoon. I'll go meet her there later, take toothless and make sure she has a safe ride home. Me and the team get out of there. Dad was mad she escaped but gave it up.  Thank the gods he didn't know it was us.

Estelles P.O.V

     i sat in the cove with toothless. we both waited as it got dark. hiccup took a while but he showed up as promised. he mounted up on toothless. i norally would have knocked him off but i trust hiccup. i spreded out my wings and we both took off. we flew for a while but adventually got to my island.

         it was quiet. i didnt see any of my nest. i looked around i saw a steady fire blaze from the caves. i put my hand over my mouth. "no no no" i mutter in dragon ease. i tell hiccup to stay put and go into a cave.

Then I saw him. Dad. Well not my real dad no I never knew them. My dragon dad. Lying dead on the ground. I broke down. I went to the Alfa of the nest. "What happend?!" I ask through my tears. "Hunters" The Alf's stated.
"No no not again... no no"

Hiccup came in. I couldn't help but lash out at him. "You! Your kind! The Vikings! They took Everything I had!! Your people killed them. My mom! The elder! Now my dad! Go hiccup I don't want to see you again!!!" I shout. He runs and leaves

I turn to my nest "elder we need to move nest. The hunters will come back. Hiccup might come back. We have to make sure this doesn't happen again" she nodded. The whole nest was in shock they had seen me have moments but that was new. We all have my dad a proper send off and left the island. Tears covers my face as I left my only home and my only friend

Hiccups P.O.V.

I ran out of that cave. I felt so bad she was so younge and to have lost so much I couldn't help but tear up. I had made a friend who actually understood me. But she turned on me. Thought I was like those who killed her family.

I just couldn't bare it. I patted toothless as we flew. I could tell he wasn't happy about this either. I saw that dragon corpse on the ground I saw how we are like the very things we kill. Well I will not harm a dragon! I leave anger boiling in me.

Estelle knew me! She knew that I wouldn't! She knew I loved dragons! How dare she accuse me of being a dragon killer! I'm glad
she's gone! I'm glad I won't see her again! I'm glad..... am I?.. I don't know i hate her but I miss her. No I don't! Yes I do... I don't know!

Toothless looked at me with pleading eyes. I decided to take my mind off and have a fun fly. We blast sea stacks. Touch water. Shoot up and drift down. It was fun but I still miss her. I hope she's ok. I hope she can keep her nest safe. I hope she can forgive the Vikings. I hope I can change their minds.

..... time skip brought to you by..........................
................."Fre sha vaca do"................................

(It's around season 3 I think When Vego is introduced... well it takes place in rtte time. They know vehicle Vego knows them. They fight and stuff. Ya know I'm tired. Thanks guys for all the love and support.)

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