Part 2

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Estelle's P.O.V   

      I sat there with toothless waiting for Hiccup to get back. I don't know why. I should have left yesterday and gotten away but I felt somewhat ok when I was around him. I still don't trust him. Why should I? I mean he's the enemy. Right? From what i've learned about them, they're bloodthirsty killers and thieves.  

    I looked at toothless. Why didn't the viking kill him? Something about him was different about him. weather that's a good thing or not I haven't decided. I hope he's true to his word. If he tells anyone he will be on the revenge list.  Hey don't hate me! I'm just trying to get out of hear without any trouble. If he tells any one it will be trouble. 

     Speaking of trouble i heard rustling in the bushes. "Hiccup?" i asked. It was not hiccup but a big nater. the nater said, "Who is this human nightfurry?" I responded, "I'm Estelle. Protector to dragons. Please tell me your business." The nater was shocked. I bet you are too. Yes I can speak dragonese. "You speak dragon? Tell me what brings you to this Godforsaken island of vikings."

   "Shot. Dragon root arrow. I landed here and can't get off as long as the thing is still stuck in. it weakens me and i am unable to travel far." He looked as if he understood. "I was here to check on nightfurry. He was shot down and while that viking has helped I am still concerned." he said while looking at toothless. I couldn't blame him. Vikings weren't known to be kind to dragons. 

     The nater looked at my shoulder. "You were the skin of a Valkina. did you know one."  She asked. "I guess you could say that."  It was a touchy subject and I didn't want to discuss it.  We talked for a while. The nater told me all about how she escaped the vikings. the only reason she hasn't left was to keep Toothless safe. 

    "What is your name?"  I asked. "I'm Hearth. It's nice to meet a viking who is nice to dragons"  ugh i hated her comparing me to a viking. I'm not! I hate them! If she wants to meet a nice viking i'll introduce her to Hiccup. Speaking of witch....

   Another russell came and it scared the nater off. hiccup came out looking shocked. "You and that dragon had a conversation?!?!" I tried not to laugh at his confusion. He can be so stupid. His brain must be full of seaweed. (he he) "Yeah. After living your whole life with dragons you sorta pick up a few things." He looked at me sadly. "Your whole life? how?" I got hot in the face. I said too much. Ugh! should I tell hiccup? 

   Well I might as well. "I was raised by dragons. Earliest memory is one licking my face. I've started to adapt to being around them. one of the reasons I don't like vikings." I told him. He looked as if he was trying to find a weakness. I growled and he jumped.  "I wasn't doing anything. I just find your armor so interesting. It's like nothing I've ever seen" He said. 

          If he plans to take it then he has another thing coming. I growled again. "Don't even try. Special dragon scales. They morf with the wearer. they're technically my skin with how long i've had it." "What dragon?"  I didn't want to go through this again. The Valkina has been extinct for a while. I saw the last one die. I still remember it.

      The Valkina laid dead. I had been helping the dragons fight of hunters ever since i got my wings working. yes i have wings. Don't ask how or why but somehow i did. probably the same reason dragon root and blue oleander affect me like a dragon. I laid near her tears running down my face. the other dragons wept with me.

    The elder dragon came up and took off his scales. I remember being in shock since this dragon never shed. he draped it on me and i felt it morf with my skin. it's a reminder of that dragon.  that dragon was my dragon.  My mother. She found me and raised me. she taught me to fly and to speak dragon. How to hunt and fight. I'll never forgive the vikings. 

Hiccup's P.O.V.

     I looked at her. i could tell it was a touchy subject. She seemed to start tearing up. "Hey, It's ok. You don't have to tell me." I tried to comfort her. She snarled and showed her very sharp teeth. "DON'T! TOUCH! ME! VIKING!" She screamed. her pupils went to slits and she ran straight to the hole in the cove's walls and curled up. 

   I don't know what happened or what i did but i could tell she didn't want me around. it was about time to train anyway. I left the cove and ran toward the arina. The other teens were already there. They all stared at me. "Sorry i'm late." i said. 

   "Your not. Your early. we just got hear earlier than you. training isn't for a little while." said Fishlegs. They went back to sharpening their weapons and sparing. i sat down and pulled out my journal sketching  Estelle when she went all scary. looking at it I almost believed she was a dragon. 

    Estelle was weird and somewhat terrifying. I'm worried that next time i come to the cove she might bite my hand off. I looked again at the drawing. her masked covering most of her face. What does she look like under the mask? is that a part of her like the rest of her skin? 

   As i sat and pondered Astrid came up. I shut the book. I could tell she wanted to know what i was drawing. After last night i could tell she was curious. "What scared I'll draw you to death?" I ask. She gave me a death glare. my stupid sarcasm always got me one of those. Hey you can't blame me. its an instinct thing.

  "watch it! I'm in charge today and i'll make your life a living nightmare." She  said. I kinda already expected that.I looked up at her and smiled. "Don't act like your some wise girl (ha ha)" I said.  She punched me. i guess i deserved that. She walked away and i went back to drawing. Compared to Estelle,  Astrid didn't seem as bad. i hope she doesn't bite of my hand next time i come to the cove.

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