part 18

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Hiccups P.O.V

         its time for the attack. we had been planning this for a month now sending out recon and preparing for every angle. i saddled up toothless. astrid had gotten the a team to help too. "Riders ready!" i shouted. i heard alot of hallering. "Then lets do this."  We all flew off and headed to vegos island. i went over the plan a hundred times in my hed.

*Time skip braught to you by fre shavaca do*

     we got to vegos island. all was quiet but i knew he was expecting us. the twins set out gas to the boats and lighting them but we remained in cloud cover. everything went a cording to plan. the the twins, snotlout, heather, fishlegs, and the a-team destroyed and destracted. me and astrid snuck in under the cover of the smoke and were able to sneak where estelle was being held.

      it wasnt till we got there did we know we made a mistake. they were empty. all the cells in here were empty. vego knew. we turned to leave but meet 6 guards insted. vego came out pulling a little girl who looked very fermiliar by a leash. i felt bad for the little kid even if i didnt know her. she was in terrible shape.

     she was very thin and wore a long, torn, and too big white shirt. her skin was covered in cuts, bruses and burns. she had huge bags under her eyes and a bloody nose. her hair was all messy. when i got a closer look i saw her skin had scales over it. she looked like estell but that cant be. this kid was 7 or 8 and estelle was i think 14.

      vego laughed. "Were you looking for her hiccup.. i knew you would. well shes right here, like what ive done with her, shes just a little runt now." he said. he kicked her and she let out a slight whimper. "E-Estelle?" i said. I got out my fire sword. "Let her go!" i shouted. "I dont think so hiccup... shes been quite useful.." he looked down at her and said "sword.." her eyes went to slits. she started growling at me. she looked like shed didnt know who she was or where she was.

    "Estelle's little fits became a great way to access control. normally there random but if the right person says the right trigger word. well.." he smiled and turned to estelle. "He has the sword. get him!' he let go of the leash and she attacked me in full dragon. i didnt want to hurt her. i couldnt. She couldnt control herself. her eyes would go to full and shed stop but then theyd go back and shed attack again.

     i had only one thing left i could do. i help out my hand the way i did with toothless. she was confused but came closer calmly. she put her snout against my hand and it calmed her. her eyes went back to normal and she turned back into her human dragon hybread. "H-hiccup..?" she said as if she didnt believe i was real. i nodded and she jumped hugging me. she was so small. i hugged her and held her close with one arm but i had my sword out ready to fight.

     vego snarled. "Estelle! here!" he shouted like she was a pet. That made me mad. How dare he. Estelle started to walk back. Like it was in her head that the command was to be fallowed. I hed her back. "No estelle... it's ok." he yelled at the hunters. they charged us but estelles eyes went to skits. She turned dragon but instead of hurting us. She went for them. She shot fire at them. they backed off. vego cursed and ran. me and astrid had to run too. the whole building was on fire. i held estelle close. we got out and found our dragons. we took off and regrouped with the others. "what happend to her?" fishlegs asked "I dont know but she needs medical attention. the closes place is the defenders of the wing island. come on!"

     we took of in that direaction. when we landed we were greated by mala. "hiccup.. what brings you here?" she asked. "THis.. our friend estelle... shes been in the hands of vego and she doesnt look so good. she needs help." i handed her to mala. mala sighs. "Vego used the potion...." I look at her confused. "What potion?"

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