Part 14

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

Estelle and I sat there on the island. It was nice and peaceful. We say the sun starts to set and we decided to fly home. Back to the edge. it was a nice flight home. the sunset in the back of the sky made it a really beautiful fly home. Estelle flew happily. she loved flying. i understood that. the wind in your hair, the rush, the freedom that is allowed. it was just wonderful.

we flew back to the edge happily. when we got there heather had dinner ready and the rest met up in the mess hall. i sat down but Estelle hesitated. heathre laughed lightly and placed down a plate of raw fish at the table for her. she sat down and started eating.

its still weird to see this but i just shrugged it off. we all kept eating and talking and joking. we really had become like a family lately. Estelle looked a little uncomfortable. I don't blame her. This must be very new to her but, I thought she might adjust a little faster than this..

But of corse... she's been raised by dragons her whole life. If that was me I definitely wouldn't trust any of us. but she has. i sigh as i eat. estelle finishes fast. just scarfs it down. there was a weird glint in estelles eyes. "estelle... are you ok?" i ask.

she starts growling. i frown. "estelle. whats wrong?" her eyes are slits. she keeps growling. fangs showing. i move back. "E-estelle?" she turns to me and her wings espand. claws appear. i get scared. toothless gets in between us as estelle turns into full dragon. my eyes widen in fear. "whats wrong with her?!" Snotlout yells. "I dont know!" fishlegs says/ we all get scared as estelle and toothless start growling and roaring at eachother. 

i get scared as estelle flys up only to keep hitting the roof. she cant figure out shes in a room. she keeps trying harder and harder to fly up but we renforced the roof incase of vego or dragon raids. she kept trying and started to get seriously hurt. "estelle! Snap out of irt!' i shouted hoping it would work. she kept hitting the roof than crashed. we tried to go near to helpo but she growled and tried to attack. toothless and the other dragons were the only ones that could get close. 

toothless tried getting near but shed move back in fear. "Whats wrong with her?" i ask toothless. i know its crazy to think he can talk to me. "Shes having a little fit. she doesnt know who 3she is" toothless says. i pale. did toothless just talk?! did i just understand?! "Hiccup. we need to move her to the stables" "HOW ARE WE ABLE TO TALK?!" i say. wait?! i can talk back?! the others look at me like im a freak. im so confused. 

"Hiccup. your a human like estelle here. a child of dragons. you have the ability to learn our language" im so confused. "Can i fly and transform like estelle?" "No. your not that kind. your the kind who can talk and train. now help her!"  i nod. i turn to estelle and put out my hand. she takes a minute but trust me. i lead her to my hut instead of the stables. im to worried for her to leave her alone. she curls up and falls asleep. i stay up all night with toothless. asking questions and trying to figure out what "Children of dragons" are. 

"long ago when the dragons entered the arcapelego. some of the humans loved the dragons so much that the gods made a bridge between the two worlds. children of dragons is what they were called. they all had powes of somesort that were in dragons. but hunters took them and either killed them or enslave them. you and estelle are the last alive. dont tell anyone. no one else should know. your dragon child side came out do to your exposer around estelle. so yeah. thats whats going on."

I nod. i wrote down everything toothless told me. wow. mom always said i was special... this is amazing! i promised toothless that ill protect the dragons and estelle. vegos not going to win this war. i lay down as toothless lays next to estelle. "Good night hiccup" "Night toothless"

Child of Dragons. HTTYD fanficWhere stories live. Discover now