Part 10

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(I hope you guys are enjoying.  btw this part takes off a little after the episode "To heather or not to heather." so heather is now a dragon rider and the nator igration is still happening. and now your fetured presentation.)

Hiccups POV
   My minds been in a different place ever sense I found the scale. I just can't get my mind off the fact that Estelle could be out there. In the world alone. It bothered me that all this time she had just been out there. I wanted to find her, to talk to her.

I sighed bad toothless splashed me. Oh right I'm sapose to be washing his scales. I go back to it "useless reptile" I joke whomping the water off my face. He laughs in his dragon way and I smile. For a pain in the but he sure was a cute little puppy dragon. He acted like a dog. Don't believe me? Scratch him behind the ears and see what I mean.

Astrid comes over and smiles at me. I blush. She looked pretty today... what am I saying? God I need sleep. She comes over and pulls me into a chokehold giving me a noogie. "Ack! Astrid!" I say pushing her off. She laughs. I roll my eyes. "So... the scale... did you identify what dragon it is?"

I nod. "It's Estelle's... she must have gotten caught by the hunters." Astrid pales. "Is she ok?" I shrug. "I have no idea and it's bothering me. But by the way the boat looked Than I'm guessing she escaped." Astrid nods. "I hope your right" I hope I'm right. I sigh. She pats me on the back.

"Don't worry hiccup, she's tough, she'll take care of herself. I know it." I smile. "Thanks astrid...." she nods. "Now come on.. we've got more naters to lead." I smile and we go to the arena, our dragons fallowing us. We get there and the others are saddled up ready.

"Ok team... another day of naters. We're doing well and the hunters are not catching them. While we're out, be on the look out for this scale." I hold up estelles scale. "Look for a dragon with this scale, or just the scale."

Fishlegs pipes up. "Why?" I look at him. "Rember that weird dragon girl we saved?" He nods. "This is Hers. We found it on a hunter ship. We know she's out there and we need to find her and make sure she's ok, but the. Naters come first." They nod in agreement "ok saddle up gang."

We get on our dragons and fly out. Finding the new heard and leading them to the safe place. It was a small grassy island but enough room for all the naters. It had plenty of fish, caves, and trees. A good home durning migration. Safe from vego and his hunters. Speak of the devil, we spot a hunter ship.

Toothless growls. It's too close for its own good. We fly over and burn it. Freeing the dragons onboard and taking the hunters to a random stranded island full of speed stingers. That should teach them. I smiled. Than I saw it. It happened so quickly that I didn't know if it actually happened. I saw Estelle shoot through the sky into cloud cover and disappear. At least I know she's free. Or do I? How do I know that was her?

I stare off. Astrid comes over. "Hey! Snap out of it." I shake my head. "Oh uh... sorry astrid.." she sighs. "What were you looking at?" "I-I thought I saw Estelle.." she pales. "You sure it was her?" I shrug. "I don't know... i could just be going crazy..."

She laughs. "With the amount of sleep you get, it could be your sleep peralasis demon." I chuckle. "I don't know Astrid..... I kinda wish it was her but also don't..." she nods understandingly. "Last time i saw her things didnt go so well.." I say looking down as I rember when she yelled at me.

"Hey... no one can keep a grudge that long." I laugh. "Youd be surprise.. my dad had kept a grudge against a dragon for all my life." She giggles. " yeah... but I'm sure she'll forgive you. You didn't do anything, vego did and she blames you for being a Viking. Don't worry.."

Easier said than done.

(Ok so far so good. I've done several revisions. This is one of my shorter chapters but what the hell. I hope you all are liking the newer changes to the original, and if this is your first time reading than you dot have to know about the past chapters. Sweet! Thank you all for your support. ☺️)

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