Part 11

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Hiccups P.O.V.

      the team and i were all saddle up. we had scared off one hunter ship but that didnt mean that the naters werent going to accidently migrate into hunter territory. we all took off from the edge and flew over the clear water. we spotted the naters but instead of going there normal rout into danger, there were taking our route to saftey.

      we saw them all in perfect formation moving perfectly fine. it took all of us to get it like that in the other 2 rounds but these ones were doing it just fine. then i saw it. the same shine that came from the scale was coming from the frunt of the pack.

     astrid noticed too. we flew alittle closer and i saw her the girl from my drawings. estelle. it had been so long. she had gotten bigger. her wings were wider than before. her green hair stuck out alittle from her helmet. her hair must have gotten longer.

    i felt a pain in my gut from what she said. i went back to the team. "We need to fallow that herd. keep out of there sight though. we'll fallow them till they land. wait for my instructions after that." they all nodded. i had a tone in my voice that demanded respect. I'm going to talk to Estelle. Convince her to join us... I don't want to be seperated from her again, I don't know why but she's just like family.

    we went through with the plan fallowing estelle and the naters till they arived at the island we had been moving them too. i waited for them to land and get settled before i did anything. i saw estelle talking to them. she was instructing them on how to organize themselves for their knew migration.

      i watched as she order them and they obeyed without hesitation. my mouth was wide open. estelle had glanced over. she spotted me. she turned around and started to growl at me. her eyes were slits. "h-hey estelle. i-its me h-hiccup." she eases up. "What do you want?" she growls.

      "I just wanted to talk... i saw your scale on one of the hunters ships.." she started to growl. her eyes went to slits again. Dang she's gotten more and more like a dragon every day.

      i kept trying. gods im gonna get myself killed. "well i for one hate vego. me and my freinds have been fighting him... if you want you can move your nest to the edge for safet.." "My nest is dead hiccup!" she shouted. "Vego killed them all. said that it was my consiquence for not surrendering."

    i looked down ashamed in myself. "Join us estelle. join us in the fight against vego. help us stop him. advenge your nest." she looked down. she sniffed. Was she crying? then estelle did something i never thaought shed do. she higged me?! i hugged her back. then i herd astrid do a fake caugh. shoot i forgot they were here

    "Oh uh team.. this is estelle. Rember you all helped me rescue her" astrid looked down ashamed. i remebered how se had betrayed her. But she helped save her. It was ok now. the other members of the team exploded with questions. fishlegs was goin crazy. i promised them answers when we got back to the edge. I knew that they had a lot of questions the last time when they helped her.

   on the flight there they would not shut up. i looked at estelle simapethically as she looked at me with a help me look in her eyes.when we got back at the edge heather when strate to making dinner. fishlegs had instantly gone to questioning estelle but after awhile estell got use to it. ruff and tuff were who knows were. Astrid and I were talking.

   snottlout came up. "what does she look like without the mask? because so far she seems pretty hot." "Shut up snottlout!' me and Astrid both said. i didnt realize how much i had missed estelle until i saw her again.

     she was kinda like alittle sister i never had. not like shed want to be part of my family but she just felt that way. i sighed and picked up my dinner throwing the leftovers to toothless. i go back to my hut and open my jornal. i went to estelles page and drew her again except how she looked like now.

      to tell you the truth i did this because i didnt know if shed leave again. i didnt know if this would be the last time i saw her. i had to keep whatever memories i had with me. im not going to forget her again. I drift asleep.

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