Part 9

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Hiccups P.O.V.  
        I patrolled the edge looking over all the dragons. It had been a nice 2 years sense I first found toothless. I landed outside the arena. Astrid was sharpening her ax, snotlout was parading around in his new armor, fishlegs was updating his dragoncards, and the twins were goofing around like Normal.

          I decided we needed some training. Vego was still out there building his armada. I shouted for them to gather round. "Ok so we're gonna run some drills if we are ever separated from our dragons." "Not another one of those drills..." ruff whined.

       "Come on. We can't rely on our dragons only. We have to have skills to protect ourselves other than riding dragons." Astrid nodded and spoke up "hiccups right you never know if we could be separated from our dragons and ambushed by hunters. If we can't defend ourselves we might as well give up now"

      "Well said Astrid. Now let's start with some basic weapon sparing." We started with that. Astrid of corse dominated. I was really good at blocking but my attacks needed work. After that we worked on our speed for when we have to make quick escapes. I decided to do another check around the island when Astrid said hand to hand. Yeah I'm not really good when it comes to hand to hand combat.

      I saddled up on toothless and we flew off. We flew a reasonable distance from the edge. It was such a nice day for flying. Then toothless stopped and started to growl. I looked down. Below us was a very heavily armed hunter ship below us. They're we're several hunters and a lot of weapons.

         I flew back to see Astrid teaching the team the art of ax throwing. Astrid hit the target perfect bullseye. I landed down in the arena and unmounted toothless.

          I went over to the team. "Ok guys saddle up. There's a heavily armed hunter ship not to far from here. What ever they have on it must be valuable to vego." "Or could be vego himself" fishlegs added. I nodded and continued. "We get it and we're one step closer to stopping vego."

        The whole team made sounds in agreement. We mounted on to our dragons and took off. "Keep an eye out like I said this ship was heavily armed we don't want anyone to get hurt." Snotlout piped up"they can't hurt me in my awesome new armor!" "Yeah but they can hurt hookfang. Keep and eye out"

     We saw the ship. Part of it was smoking as if it had already been attacked by a dragon. We saw hunters swimming away. We cautiously wasn't closer. There was no one aboard the ship. We looked around. They had clearly been exporting a very important dragon.

        A broken cage and broken chains littered the ground. The back half of the ship was smoking. Whatever dragon they had had escaped. We were just gonna leave it till I saw something sparkle on the ship. I dove down and grabbed it.

      A scale. Probably to the dragon they had caught. But this scale looked familiar. I had seen this kind of scale before but where... "hey Astrid. Does this look familiar to you?" I said holding out the scale. "It does hiccup. Ugh what do I know it from." I kept thinking. I had seen it in my journal. It was a sample I took for a dragon bio.

           We flew back to the edge. I went straight to my hut to find my first journal. I opened it up and flipped through. Nothing nothing nothing. Ugh. I kept searching then I saw the same scale in the book. I compared them with each other. The same.

      I looked at the bio and nearly had a heart attack.  The picture had scared me. I read what it was and couldn't believe it. This scale belong to the half human half dragon, Estelle. I could t believe. I remembered when I met her and her time on berk. I remember when she lashed out at me and we never saw each other again.

       Estelle was out there fighting for dragons. But the bad thing was vego clearly after her. She'd be a the weapon vego needed for his rule. One things for sure. They had to find her before vego.

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