Part 12

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Estelle P.O.V

I sat down outside of the stalls. I didn't want to sleep in there with the other dragons. Don't get me wrong it was very nice I just felt like I didn't deserve it. It was weird the way hiccup treated me. I hate to say this but I had kinda missed him.

What am I saying? He's village may have changed but the whole world didn't. He's still a Viking and I'm in danger being near him. Am I..? I don't know. last time i trusted them astrid turned me into the mean big viking that was hiccups dad. But they did come and free me... ugh! i wish i could trust them.

i curled up. i wish i could trust them and stay here. but i cant. not after what happend last time. not after the fact that vego will slater dragons till i stop him. i want to stay with hiccup. he was the closest thing to family. but last time i stayed with him my dad died! i'm leaving first thing tomorrow morning.

i felt something hit my head. it was the tail of a terrible terror. it dropped a letter on my head. who would send mail to me? who would even know that i am here? i open the letter and my heart drops. its.. its from.. vego. how did he find me? what does he want

        Dear Estelle,
        I saw how hiccup and the dragon riders have given you a little rescue. That's so kind of them. Do they know about your episodes? Do that's know about what you can do? Of course they don't and when they find out they will toss you aside. And even if they don't I will come get you and I will slaughter them and theirs dragons if I have to to do it. Come on child turn yourself in.. it'll be easier.
Signed vego

I growled. He has some nerve! how dare he try to hurt them! well what do i care. they're vikings, but... the way they treat their dragons... and me. they do not seem that bad. i'm scared. i don't want them hurt. what if hes right.. what if they shun me when they learn what i can do and learn about my little fits...

i got up and walked around the edge. it was a dragon paradise. it had everything you could want. feeding stations, flying space, places to sharpen claws, heated rocks, and even places to just let fire loose. i went around and talked to the locals. by that i mean the dragons of the island. i heard so many good things about them..

i feel like i could get use to living here. i feel like i could get use to the riders. but then i remembered vego's letter. my heart sank. they could get killed and it would be my fault... i leaving after i help them with the naters. i don't want them to get hurt. i hope that they can make it.

Hiccups POV
I look over at Estelle. She doesn't look so good. "Hey Estelle... you ok?" She nods. I see a price of paper in her hand. Is that what made her so upset. I nod at the twins. They get what I'm saying. Ruff snatched it. Tuff holds her back so she can't take the paper back. I read it and pale. "So... vegos threatening you?" She nods sadly.

I get mad. "Well than. He'll have to come through us. Ok?" She shakes her head. "Hiccup it's fine. You don't need to get into any trouble for me."

"Nonsense. You mess with one of us you mess with all of us."

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