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I bite my lip as I knock on the door to Jesse's room one because I'm nervous to see him and two because I'm nervous someone will see me going into his room. The last thing I need is someone from the team seeing me going into Jesse's room. As he opens the door I feel overdressed straight away in my pink cropped top and trousers co-ord when I realise he's only wearing shorts and a polo top, I guess taking my heels off will be my only way to dress down.

"You look incredible" Jesse says. My heart skips a beat as he rests his forehead against mine while running his thumb over my cheek. When this whole thing with Jesse began I never once thought it would get this intense. Now I crave his touch.

"What's with all of the food?" I ask noticing a table covered in plates.

"I knew we couldn't go out for food so I ordered before you came up here. I didn't want anyone to see you here when they were delivering the food so I told the hotel staff I didn't know what I wanted to eat because I've ordered a few options at least this way you can choose what you want" Jesse explains and I'm taken aback that he's thought about everything.

"I can't believe you'd put this much effort into this"

"You've just looked after my daughter for a week and this is the first time I'm able to get you alone, of course I'm going to put effort into this. I need to show you that I know how to treat a woman"

"I have no doubt about that and I've already told you, I don't need thanking for looking after Anoushka. It wasn't like I was going to Orlando for a wild week with the girls and I changed my plans" I say but I assume it will fall on deaf ears. I was travelling to Orlando as well so it made no difference helping out with the kids.

"She's right though, we should go to Disney one time" I look at Jesse confused how the dynamics would work for that one. "enough about last week though, tonight is all about you".

"I appreciate the effort it means a lot, any chance we can eat now?" I say realising how hungry I am but that's what happens when you fall asleep next to the pool for most of the day.

"Go for it, choose whatever you want. I'll be a gent and let you choose first"

"Jesse don't pressure me like that. I can't make that decision not when it all looks this good!" I say laughing. It's too easy to smile when I'm around this man.

"Why don't you have some off each plate that way you don't need to choose" Jesse says as if it's obvious as we sit down at the table next to the window overlooking the beach.

"Thank you for doing this, it's more than I could've ever asked for" I say really meaning it. I'll never ask for anything from Jesse, I know this will never be a long term thing but right now I'm enjoying myself and that's what this is about. I don't want to develop feelings even if it already seems that way, I feel like I could walk away from Jesse if I had to.

"What's on your mind?" Jesse asks looking at me intently. There's no way I can tell him.

"I'm just thinking how easy it is to forget everything when I look out to sea. It reminds me of when I first moved to Australia and spending whatever time I could at the beach and before you ask no I didn't learn to surf"

"That's a good image actually. I wouldn't mind sitting on the beach watching you surf. Tell me the truth, do you miss Australia?"

"Honestly? No. Don't get me wrong I loved my time there but in the end it felt like it was time for me to leave and move on. I found myself not wanting to be there anymore, it was like I was detached from my family and friends living this totally different life to them. We barely got to speak because of time difference and I just missed everything that is familiar to me. Then everything happened with my ex and I just knew I had to leave. It sounds stupid to some people but my paradise turned into hell" I say biting my lip trying to push memories of Australia to one side. When I'm with Jesse it's the last thing I want to think about.

Borrowed • Jesse LingardWhere stories live. Discover now