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Waking up the next morning beside Jesse, I'm thankful he's still there. I'm dreading today knowing I'm going to have to sit opposite Daniela in her house to meet her properly for the first time. Thankfully I'll have people I know to help me get through it.

"What's on your mind?" Jesse asks moving the hair from my face as he wakes up.

"I'm just thinking about tonight. I've got a feeling that it's going to be so awkward" I say. My stomach is already in knots at the thought of eating dinner with Jesse's wife.

"Is it worth me promising that I'll do my best to make sure it isn't awkward?"

"I'm not sure there's a lot you can do to be honest Jess" I say rolling onto my back "is it too late to cancel?"

"We don't need to cancel, get Andreas to pick you because I can't and stay with him as much as you can. He's the only other person who knows the situation so there's nothing for anyone else to be awkward about" Jesse says lying on his back resting his head on my shoulder.

"Do you ever wonder if this is a mistake?" I ask after a few minutes of silence just enjoying each other's company.

"What planning tonight?" Jesse answers my question with a question obviously not thinking the same as me.

"No us. Do you ever think it was a mistake and we should never have kissed never mind it going further and me becoming the other woman"

"I don't think it's a mistake. I think I could've handled things better but I don't think it's a mistake" Jesse says rolling onto his stomach "do you think it's a mistake?"

"Yes and no. It's just a lot to risk. Your wife, your daughter, your reputation. I don't want to become known as Smalling's slutty sister"

"And I'll make sure that doesn't happen. No matter what happens with me I'll not let your name be dragged through the mud. This is all on me"

"Jess you can't do that. If this blows up in our face it's on both of us. It takes two to tango and I knew what I was getting into" no matter how much I argue I get the feeling I'm not going to win this one.

That night I change into the typical jeans and a bodysuit ready to go over to Jesse's house. It's a casual dinner which means I don't need to go all out with my outfit however I still need to look good, first impressions and all that. Walking downstairs I see Chris and Sam are both ready and waiting for me after Sam decided it was better for me to get ready at their house because I'm so nervous.

"Do you think I should wear a blazer?" I ask holding a red and black blazer up.

"The black one if anything. You don't need it but you might want it later if it gets cold. Your outfit looks banging with and without it" Sam says giving me the once over. Black one it is "are you ready to go? We don't want to be late"

"Yeah I'm ready. I'll just get my keys. I'll leave my clothes and stuff here until tomorrow though"

"You don't have to drive. I'll bring you back here after" Chris says but I insist on taking my car as well. At least I have an escape if things go downhill. Arriving a Jesse's house I recognise a few cars that are in the driveway at least I'm not the first here.

"Don't look so nervous. Dani's not that bad when you meet her. I can't say get to know her because she isn't here enough but she'll talk to you" Sam says to me as we wait at the door for someone to answer. Before I can say anything Marcus appears at the door.

"Eyy! Nice to see my favourite Smalling ladies! It's been a while"

"Marcus you saw us both yesterday at the match" Sam says bluntly before walking passed Marcus and into Jesse's house.

Borrowed • Jesse LingardWhere stories live. Discover now