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"I really don't think this is a good idea" I say to Andreas. We're in a cab on our way to the club to meet everyone for a well deserved night out. Players and wives included.

"What makes you think that?" Andreas asks. It's been a few months since Jesse and I decided to get back together, however I feel like lately he isn't interested in me. Maybe our fling has ran its course. 

"I just have a gut feeling and let's be honest Daniela's here and she hates me so she isn't going to make tonight plain sailing for me"

"Why would she hate you? She has no reason to" Andreas looks at me confused. 

"Her three year old has more respect for me than she ever will her. Noush asks for me over her mum, I'm not a parent Andreas but if I was that would be enough reason for me to hate someone" I say knowing I'd hate another woman being so close to my husband and daughter, if I had one of course.

"Do you ever wonder if she knows what's going on? Is that still back on?" Andreas says and I know what he's talking about, he's just avoiding saying Jesse's name around the cab driver.

"Yeah it's still on, I think anyway we haven't really spoke a lot lately. Sometimes I think she knows but then I'm like if she knew surely she'd confront me because she seems like the type" I say, judgemental maybe but that's how I see it. "Would anyone really let that go if they were in her position?" 

"If she knew you'd know about it. She isn't one for holding back. She says exactly what she thinks" Andreas says and I know he's only trying to have my back but it doesn't make me feel any better.

Arriving at the club I see the flash from all of the paparazzi who are waiting, it's a prime spot in Manchester of course they'll be here. Taking a deep breath before I get out of the cab I can't wait to see all of the rumours about me and Andreas tomorrow morning.

A few hours later I'm absolutely hammered. I've never drank this much ever and I'm having the time of my life. Every time someone offers me a shot, I take it. Hearing S&M by Rihanna start playing over the club speakers I let out a scream before dragging Andreas to dance. Forgetting where I am and who I'm dancing with I throw out my best moves grinding against Andreas. Paying no attention to anything around me I don't see the angry look on my brothers or Jesse's face. Before I know it we're all heading back to the hotel to continue the party.

"Who's up for spin the bottle?" Daniela asks holding up a pack of cards and an empty bottle. Looking at Sam I can see she's thinking the same as me, this won't be a good idea and it won't end well but apparently everyone else disagrees with me and Sam. Next thing I know we're all sat in a circle. Jesse opposite me. I'm so angry with him for ignoring me but I know now isn't the time or place to confront him.

I watch as Daniela spins the bottle and I don't take my eyes off it as it lands on Jesse. Biting my lip I listen to Daniela read out the card 'Spin the bottle and kiss whoever it lands on'

"Christ I don't think this is a good idea anymore. There's too many couples here" Sam says leaning over to whisper to me.

"It never was a good idea" seeing the bottle land on me, my stomach is in knots. I've got to kiss Jesse in front of everyone, or rather he has to kiss me. Talk about awkward.

"Go on Jess! If you don't I will" Paul says laughing. It's no secret the lads on the team fancy me but this is too much. Feeling myself shake with nerves I sit on my hands as Jesse crawls across the circle before kissing me gently. Closing my eyes I try to block out everyone.

"That was shit" Luke says as Jesse moves back to his place in the circle "the rules say it has to be a real kiss"

"That was more than enough" Chris says before Luke spins the bottle and it lands on Chris. After he downs three shots the bottle lands on Daniela.

Borrowed • Jesse LingardWhere stories live. Discover now