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Five Years Later

I'm sat in my hotel room getting my make up and hair done. We're in Santorini and it's finally my wedding day. I've stressed over every detail of this day for the last year and a half and I can't believe today is finally the day.

Looking at my bridal party I'm amazed that everyone is here for me and Jesse. I have Sam as my maid of honour, Zoe and Lucia as bridesmaids and my bridesman, Andreas. There's no way I could get married without him by my side, he's my best friend and he's been there through everything. Maybe I'm breaking the tradition but I'm not know for doing things liberally.

"Oh my god you look amazing Leo!" I say as my mum comes into the room with my nephew. We've chosen to have him as a ring bearer and he looks adorable in his navy suit.

"I know auntie Montana" he might only be five but he definitely got his sass from me. He literally has an answer for everything.

"Where's Anoushka?" My mum asks looking around the room for her granddaughter.

"Kirsty's getting her ready. They should be here soon. Oh my god girls you all look unreal!" The girls are all in their bridesmaids dresses and I must admit the rose gold sequins look so good. They'll look amazing once we're outside in the sun.

"That means it's time to get you into your dress" Sam says as she picks my dress up. It's the dress of my dreams and I can't wait to wear it to marry the love of my life. Standing into my dress I try not to cry again. My emotions are through the roof today.

"My god Montana it's amazing" Zoe says as Sam fastens me into the dress. Fanning my face I try not to burst into tears.

"I can't believe this day is finally here" I say.

"I can" Andreas says standing in front of me. "I knew from the start this would happen. You were made for each other. I knew Jesse for a long time before I met you and he's the happiest he's ever been when he's with you or when he's talking about you"

"Andreas!" I say pulling him into a hug trying not to cry "you're the best. I couldn't have got through the last few years without. You've been there breakdowns and all" Hearing the door to the hotel room open I see Kirsty walk in with Anoushka.

"Mum you look like a princess!" Anoushka shouts coming into the room. Mum. The word that's music to my ears. Deciding to adopt her two years ago was the easiest decision I've ever made. I might not have given birth to her but to me that's irrelevant. I'm her mum in every way possible.

"So do you Nooshi! You picked the most perfect dress!" It was the best thing I've done taking her shopping for her flower girl dress and letting her choose it herself, at eight years old she knows exactly what she likes and what she doesn't. However I love the dress she chose, it matches mine so perfectly.

"I hate to say it Montana but you just got upstaged by your daughter on your wedding day" Lucia says handing me my bouquet.

"Lu she can upstage me any day. She's the only girl who can do it and I'll be more than okay with it. Is it time?" I ask looking around at everyone.

"It's time Montana" my mum says as she lets Chris into the room. There's no other option my brother has to be the one to give me away.

"You look beautiful Montana. I know you've dreamed of this day and I just hope it's everything you've ever wanted" Chris says hugging me. We might have our moments but at the end of the day he's my brother and I love him.

"Thank you. It's mad that the stress of the last year has came to this" I say as we make our way to where the ceremony is being held.

"Honestly tonight when you go back to the honeymoon suite a married woman you'll realise how worth it all the stress was"

Borrowed • Jesse LingardWhere stories live. Discover now