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''Call me that one more time, I dare you!'' Mom yells, as I laugh and run around the house, while she chases me with the heel.

You maybe curious, so i'll enlighten you of how this game of cat and mouse started. 


2 hours ago. 8:am. Saturday.

Today is mom's day off. She gets's Saturday and Sunday off from her job of working as a secretary to the CEO of one of the biggest travel agencies in the city, also included in top international rankings. Before my mom moved moved here, she was working for her current boss's brother. In fact her previous boss was the one who got her this job when he heard about us transferring here.

So she has today off and these two holidays are the only days I don't follow a schedule, which is risky on my part, since it's unpredictable but i allow myself and mom that slight freedom.

So since 6:00 am i've been up and watching spongebob reruns on DVD. Might i say, i sometimes do pity squirdward but then i think he sometimes deserves it for being a rude ass octopus.

Mom just woke up and her phone has been ringing for a while, and it was just so irritating so I picked it up.

And the first thing I hear is, ''Lucy, i'm sorry to be bothering you so early on your day off, but could you tell me where the files regarding yesterday's meetings are?''

''Um I'm sorry but who is this?'' I ask. And who the heck is lucy?

''This is Lucy's number right? I'm her boss Sebastian Harrington. Could you hand her the phone?'' the guy asks.

''There is no Lucy here. Wrong number dude.'' Like geez guy at least check the number before dialing, you just interrupted mine and spongebob's bonding time.

Right as i'm hanging up the guy stops me, ''Wait this is Lucinda Ainsley's number. I'm sure of it.'' He insists.

What the actual heck?! '' So you mean Lucy as in Lucinda, my mother. Aren't you getting a little too comfortable with a woman who's worked for only two days as your secretary?'' I basically threaten the little CEO to drop that lucy shit. Who does he think he is?

''I-I u-umm  I just--- s-sorry. Just tell her to message me the location of files, bye.'' And so the guy hangs up. Such a pushover, panicking and stuttering like that. Hmph.

''Val who was on the phone?'' Mom asks coming down the stairs while drying her hair.

''Someone asking for a certain Lucy. Would you happen to know her by any chance?'' I ask sarcastically as i stare at her pointedly.

And so she becomes flustered. She. becomes. flustered. Embarrassed. My mom. The hell?

''Ah so it must be you, a nickname I believe, eh mom. Sounds nice, i like it. Lucy hmmm.'' I taunt her further. I'm quite baffled right now but i'm not missing this chance to annoy her.

''S-h-sh-shut up Val.'' She stumbles over her words. 

I think I just gained a new weapon to annoy her. *cue evil laugh* 


And so here we are. She's chasing me around with her heel,  and i'm running for my life but it's fun. Oh it's fun.

''why are you mad Lucy, hey Lucy. Lucccyyyyyyyyy. Lucy, Lucy, Lucy. lala lala Lucy.'' I sing as i run. however all giggles and smiles fall from my face when i see Luc-Mom standing in front of me. She must've moved around me and it's too late to turn back, now I either die or dodge.

And she throws the heel in reaction to which i move side ways and it flies past my head. She missed, I dodged. However the happiness doesn't last long since the second i dodge it i feel a blow straight to the side of my head. Looking down i can see her flat slipper. She threw that at me. Should've known she'd have a back up silly me.

''Ha I caught you. Now you'll think twice before calling me that.'' She says in the most proud way, like she didn't just hit her daughter with a slipper, Ha, the audacity of this woman.

''Geez, fine, I get it, i won't. I swear the moment you're even slightly pissed you start throwing heels. If you don't reign it in I swear i'll burn them one of these days.'' I say the last part under my breathe so she doesn't throw another at me.


''Though really what's up with the Harrington guy, he seemed too familiar for someone whom you've only know for two days.'' Currently im interrogating my mother over brunch.we missed breakfast due to the throwing heels fiasco so here we are eating spaghetti that i cooked, which she should've cooked but i had to as punishment. Meanie.

''Baby,my love stop thinking what i know you are.'' She used her endearments for me, no fair, i'm weak to them. Anyways she continues on to explain,''Sebastian and i we are high school friends, even up to university we were close friends. He always called me that so it's not something special. We merely reunited here after he left for England in the second year of our university. Really we just reverted back to old habits is all, don't take it the wrong way.''

''Fine i accept you reasons, but tell him to be cautious, i've got all eyes on him.'' I tell her firmly yet also in a joking way. I'm not sure how i feel about this Harrington guy yet.

''Yeah, Yeah I got it.By the way school starts Monday, you got all the necessities?'' She inquires. she suck a worrywart.

''You do realize that you're daughter practically follows a schedule for her life right? Do you really think i would have left anything forgotten and not ready?'' Seriously mommy dearest, don't be so dear that converts to annoyance. however i can't exactly say that to her face.

''I was just checking.'' She says in a surrendering motion with both her hands up.

Right as im about to get up to discard my dishes she asks that one question. Now my mood drops greatly, she knows I really don't appreciate these sort of questions. ''How was last night?''

Now i know the whole pictures fiasco did go down and i did think i would have a much worst night than usual, but seriously if i did it would have shown on my face. Okay, maybe not so much shown on my face, but she would have known. And FYI it wasn't any worse than usual. I said didn't I my demons are at bay. Only the usual came out nothing more, as i was previously expecting.

''It was the same as all the others mom. I didn't get any worse so don't worry. Now would you drop it?'' I asked but it was more of a statement meaning we were no longer having this chat, this chapter was closed.

''good'' so she is dropping it. ''If nothing happened,it's good. now i'm going to send Sebastian those files,you continue doing whatever it is that you have on schedule.'' She said that knowing there was no schedule today. This means that everything's okay between us. Thank god, because this was one conversation that would surely turn into an argument and i did not want that.

Now that this is over, and she's up stairs, im gonna hog the whole couch and continue spongebob or maybe switch over to looney tunes, whichever i feel like. Finally a little peace. But before anything let me throw out that heel by the dining table, it's been mocking me for a while, that damn demonic creation.


Honestly i've been hit with a slipper, and that shit hurts.
Advice to all reading, refrain from annoying mommy bear.

And Vote if you enjoy reading. (Pretty please with a cherry on top ;)

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