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''Demon I tell you, she's a demon.'' Felicity says for the third time in her monologue as she continues to talk bad about her Math teacher.

She failed her math test, I'm not surprised, and now Felicity is forced to take after school classes with her. Apparently the teacher is really strict and stuck up thus Felicity has been referring to her as a Demon.

I zone out from her whining, which has been going on since we sat at the lunch table 10 minutes ago, to see that Felix has already been ignoring her for a while, Morgan was again in another book, and Ezra was yet again staring at me.

I stare right back at Ezra, this is the second time he's stared at me like that.

''What?''I ask him.

It's my voice that snaps him out of his stupor, and his ears i catch, turn slightly pink, at being caught. It amuses me but i refrain from pointing it out. I'm not one to blatantly embarrass someone.

''Sorry, I didn't mean to stare, it's just that you look drastically different from yesterday, i-i mean in a good way.... n-not that you looked bad yesterday, I just um.....'' He trails off, his ears now red.

He has shit communicating skills, I'm sure of it by now. He writes such poetic words and speaks such a jumbled mess. Idiot..

''Yeah i got it, no need to say any further. I know i looked like shit yesterday, we all know. But, this is how I usually look, like I said, yesterday was a bad day.'' I say, so he doesn't get anymore flustered.

As I answer him, realization  sets in his eyes, and I'm sure he's remembering the panic attack from yesterday. I'm still pretty embarrassed that he had to witness that and sit through it with me, I mean I'm grateful but it must have been awkward as anything for him.

Soon though his eyes clear up and he smiles at me, '' The usual you is nice.''

And I'm baffled by that smile of his, shit that's a nice smile, i want that kinda smile. 
I mean God is seriously unfair, giving all the smiles, teeth, lips, eyelashes and jawlines to the males, like hey, you forgot a whole another gender, give us something too.

'' Say that after you've known me for more than two days, the usual  me is a whole different mess.'' I say, to which he only shakes his head with a hint of his previous smile. 

''You guys done?'' A voice interrupts. Lo and behold it's the blue eyed monster, ruining yet another nice moment.

''yes, we are now. '' I say as i roll my eyes. 

''Good. Now everyone listen up, leave your mobile Felix, Get your head out of the book Morgan,'' She calls out to the two concerned parties, who wanting to get this over with reluctantly leave their mobile and book.

''Uhm, as I was saying, we need a solution, because I will not study with that demon, anymore than I have to. Find me a way out of after school classes.'' She orders, jeez she's demanding.

''Get a tutor that she approves of, simple.'' Felix says from Beside his twin.

Her blue eyes widen as she realizes the greatness of the idea, dumbo.
But the next moment her eyes dim again.

'' Who the hell would tutor me. Let's face it, every one hates the lot of us, they can only glare at us , none will be willing to help out and teach.''

Well she does have a point.

Felix nods his head as he contemplates, and then his head snaps up moving to the quiet Morgan.

''Morgan can tutor you, sh'es really good with her studies.'' 

Morgan's eyes bulge at being the target now, and as soon as Felix completes his sentence she's already shaking her head.

''I-I can't tutor her, I'm n-not really a good teacher, and I don't have time.'' She stutters out in a quiet voice. She's so caved into herself, so shy.

''That's not tru-'' Felix began but is cut off by Felicity.

''She's right. I mean she hardly speaks, how would she explain this gibberish to me.''

As soon as Felicity completes her sentence, Morgan sinks down in her chair, I slap my forehead and Felix turn to glare at his sister.

''How insensitive are you?! If you can't talk nice then shut the fuck up and sit quietly. And next time, don't ask us for help, if you're gonna be a criticizing bitch about it.'' Wow he really seriously snapped.


At his outburst Felicity quietens down. I see that she's hurt but that she also  regret her words.

''Sorry'' she mumbles out, picking up her sloppy spaghetti and shoving it in her mouth.

I notice Felix sags as he looks at his sister, realizing he was too harsh. 

''Hey I didn't mean to say it like-'' He begins but is again cut off.

''No you're right, I was rude.Forget it. I'll take the extra classes. Sorry Morgan.'' Felicity says, voice still low. 

Felix runs his hand through his hair in exasperation. He opens his mouth to say something, but before he can utter a word he's interrupted.

''Valencia is good at Math she'll teach you.'' Ezra, who has been quiet throughout the drama, says.

I snap my head to look at him, to which he winks at me. Little shit. But then his eyes grow serious and I realize the meaning behind his words, this was the only way this could end.

Sighing, I nod my head and turn towards the quiet Felicity, which is a new side to her obnoxiously loud self, '' Yeah I'll teach you, I planned to tutor someone anyway, i guess you'll do.''

Her eyes immediately light up, and she sits upright in her chair, ''thank you-

''But there's a catch'' I stop her ''I want payment, I'm not dealing with you without getting a reward for it, plus tutoring is my side job, no exceptions for anyone. You pay me in cash, I pay you in grades. Deal?''

As i finish Ezra looks at me with wide eyes. 

Felicity on the other hand quietly mulls over the condition, before announcing, ''Deal, I'll pay you the salary like any other hired tutor.'' With that we shake hands on it.

Felix watches the exchange quietly as does a shrunken Morgan.

Soon enough the bell rings and this time felicity leaves first without saying another word, she's quiet clearly still upset.

The four of us also stand up, and as Felix makes a move to go after Felicity Morgan stops him by the sleeve, ''I-I'm sorry for causing a fight between you two.'' She says quietly, with guilty eyes.

Felix however smiles down at her, a very rare sight, pats her head, as she stands a head shorter than him, and reassures her ''It's not your fault, trust me. I just got too mad, and she's too sensitive, don't worry it'll be fine.''

With that he ruffles her hair and walks away. 

Morgan stand still for a few moments, then pick up her things and walks away too.

I on the other hand turned towards the brown-haired boy beside me.

'' You threw me under the bus.'' I state, to which he looks at me sheepishly. ''Whatever it's fine, at least i benefit from it.''

This time he turned to me, '' You're seriously taking a salary for tutoring her?''

''Well yeah, I'm not spending two hours going over Math with Felicity for nothing in return.'' I say as I turn away.

''Plus I need it'' I mumble under my breathe so he doesn't hear me.

With this I walk away.


It is in the last period, as we're sitting in the art class that i notice the absence of the stone twins. When the class had begun, Felix had asked us to go in without him and then hastily and forcefully pulled Felicity with him to somewhere. Soon we had gotten an assignment from Miss Lynn, the art teacher and all got busy. It was only now more than halfway through the lesson that i realize that Felicity and Felix are still not back yet.  

Since i worry a little for their long absence, due to the previous, unpleasantly conflicting events of the day, i excuse myself from the class to see where the twins are. I make my way through the hallways, emerging into the soccer field. From how far i am I can clearly spot two people sitting on the bleachers close together. Not wanting to intrude, I make myself comfortable by the school wall and watch them.

Felix's lips are moving, with quite the remorseful expression on his face, he continues to speak and then slowly turns to Felicity and takes a hold of her hands. He continues to talk, and i can see from this distance that Felicity is crying by the way her body appears to shake. After his previous words, Felix seems to stop and just look down. This time it's Felicity's turn to speak and she does say something, most likely words of forgiveness, followed by hugging her twin brother. They hug for a while and i can see just how close of a bond they share. They are twins after all. I've heard they have a special bond.

I smile, watching these two siblings sort out the consequences of their immature words.

Yet i feel my smile disappear soon after, as i'm reminded of another sibling, this time my own. 

Valentine and I used to have a lot of fights too. We were five years apart, of course i was a bit too childish at times, and he was a bit too overprotective and mature. We would often fight on useless things, i would end up pouting and calling him a meanie. Then i would run away to sulk on our garden swing. He would always find me after an hour and take the seat on the swing beside me. He'd apologize by slapping his hands together, like you do for prayers, he'd bow his head and his hands would touch his forehead as his eyes would close. He'd continue apologizing and when i'd start to give in, he'd pull out a huge chocolate bar and give it to me. My innocent self would forgive him immediately. On those days, as a form of apology being rude myself, i'd sneak into to snuggle with him at night and he'd pat my head and we'd fall asleep. 

We had so much, I can't help but question, why he gave up on all of it. Why he gave up on me.

''Valencia!'' The sound of my name being yelled, pulls me away from my own sibling conflict to the approaching siblings. They look drastically different and much happier than before.

''How long have you been here?'' Felix questions while rubbing his neck, embarrassed to have been caught while sharing a moment with his sister.

''For a while.'' I answer. ''Did you sort out you're argument?''

''Yes we did, Felix  knows when he's been wrong to me. We always work it out.'' Felicity says with a smile. For the first time i see her direct genuine warmth towards her brother. Once again I am hit with a sense of melancholy and loss.

I shrug of those thoughts, though, and move behind the twins, holding each of their arms as i squeeze in between.

''Well then come on, we have some colors waiting to go home to white sheets in the classroom. Plus we have 2 more people who are waiting to welcome you back in empty seats.  You really worried us there.'' I tell them as i lead them back in.

We make our way in the classroom and as soon we eat our selves Morgan comes over to apologize profusely, with Felicity apologizing in return as they settle their matters.

I make my way over to my place beside Ezra, and we continue to watch the other three dumbos.

''It all worked out, huh.'' Ezra remarks. ''Well they are family, so it was bound to solve itself quickly.''

''Yeah.'' I agree.

But deep down i can't help but think. 

Being family is not always enough of a reason. Some fights don't always work themselves out. Some family quarrels don't end in peace. Some familial bonds are sometimes damaged beyond repair. Being blood sometimes is not nearly enough to set things right.
If only the siblings conflict I had could be resolved with another chocolate bar. But it won't, because, before one, and now both sides, will no longer allow it to.

I turn towards Ezra, and this time with a masked sorrow in my eyes, repeat my answer again. ''Yeah''


I finally have an update for you guys after so long. 
Fortunately my Wattpad server has now stabilized so I can write without losing my drafts.
You'll probably have more updates from now on, due to me being free during the quarantine and stuff.

Make sure to stay safe and healthy in this drastic and dark time. May you all be safe.

Make sure to comment and vote if you like my story.
Once again, i deeply apologize for the long ass delay.

Until we meet in the next lines XOXO

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