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I love sweets, I really do. That's why I work at Heather's. However i really don't appreciate people ruining me sweet time with my sweets. I get annoyed, fast. Which is precisely why I am going to smash this man's thinning head, if he doesn't get the fuck away and out of the cafe.

Three reasons to smash his head in:
1) He has no respect for the other customers and pushed a little girl away just because she was taking too much time.
2) He smells heavily of alcohol, and judging by his rumpled attire, he was quite clearly drinking previously.
3) The asshole is a pervert and has been trying to hit on me.

Relevant enough reasons to hit him with the metal scoop in my hand.

Ah, the regrettable circumstances of customer respect.

''Sir i would like to politely ask you to leave if you aren't going to order anything.'' I send him a forced smile.

The sleazebag simply smiles creepily and moves further over the counter he's leaning on, towards me.

OHKAYYYYY, customer respect be out of the window.

''Listen here you bi-'' I start, but am cut off by a savior.

''Is there a problem here miss?'' He questions me as he keeps his glare on the pudgy man.

''Yes sir, he's been bothering me and making the customers uncomfortable.'' I wasn't gonna let go of the chance to get this mess of a man kicked out.

''I see.....Do i need to use force in order to escort him out?'' He ask, but it was more of a threat to the man who was shivering like a leaf.

The creep didn't need to be told twice. He was out the door like a wind.

Good, that all was solved without violence. Cause if I had my way, he would be going out on a stretcher.

''Thank you very much sir. How may I help you?'' I politely ask the man. Sending him a smile.

Well now, isn't he a handsome man. For someone in their early 40's he looked impeccable. And no, i'm not into older men. But i'm not blind either.

If i was in my 40's i'd definitely go for him. Salt an pepper hair perfectly styled, vibrant green mossy eyes, and a tall muscular frame. That's a fit man right there. I aspire to be that healthy and pretty when i'm older. 

''it's no problem, i'm happy to be of help. I'd like to order a large order of 50 cupcakes half chocolate with chocolate frosting and half red velvet with vanilla frosting.'' He says, snapping me from my thoughts. Wow that's a lot of cupcakes.

A lot of cupcakes that we don't have made at hand for a single order.

''I'm afraid we don't have enough cupcakes for such a large immediate order.'' i answer apologetically, I don't like refusing any customer for anything.

''No that's okay, I don't want it at the current moment. If you could, i'd like to have the order delivered to me by 8.'' That's relieving, we can make his order by then alongside the cupcakes for incoming customers.

''Yes! that would be great for us. I'll make sure they get delivered.'' I answer cheerily.

He lets out a light laugh in response.

''What name should I take the order by?'' I pick up my notepad.

''Sebastian Harrington will be fine.''
No i'm still laughing my ass out. 

I'm crouching by the counter, holding the top with one hand and my stomach with the other, laughing hard enough to have tears seeping out.

It's been 5 minutes since i started.

I can understand his weirded out concerned face.

I take another minute to calm down before standing upright again.

''Are you okay?'' He questions worriedly.

Oh i'm okay sir, but you're about to not be okay.

''Yknow, you must have really really bad luck to have to face me. It hasn't even been a week.'' I chuckle again.

''Excuse me?''

''Now now, you aren't allowed to be excused so easily Mister Lucy.'' I wave my finger at him in a scolding manner.

Upon hearing the end of my sentence, the man literally chokes on his saliva, coughing awkwardly.

''You want me to get lucy to find you a pitcher of water? Seeing as you need her to find every little thing.''

''Y-your her daughter?!'' He splutters out.

Why is it so easy to get him flustered. Not complaining though, I like it. Cue evil laugh.

''Wow, how did you figure that out?'' I fake shock.

He simply gazes down and shuffles his feet.

The power of the daughter, mwahahahahaha.

Sigh, that's enough torture.

''Stop being so embarassed Mister Lucy. i was joking, I'll have your order delivered to your company by 8. You can ease up.'' I reassure the poor man.

Mumbling out a small thank you, he immediately leaves.

I may be making fun of him but i'm not cruel, i wouldn't murder the guy. he looked as if i would hang him right where he stood. Sheesh.

Oh well. ''Hello there darling, what can I get for you?'' I flash another sweet smile, back to work.


The man has got to be very rich.

That is one tall building, one tall classy looking building, the whole of which he owns. Damn.

Gazing around in awe, I make my way to the entrance holding the two boxes in my hand. 

''Hi there, I'm here to delivers cupcakes from Heather's cafe for a Sebastian Harrington.'' I approach the receptionist.

''Yes, head up to the 20th floor, you'll find a conference hall to your right.''

Okey dokey.

I get into the fancy elevator and reach floor 20, carefully making my way to the door on my right.

I knock.

The door is opened.

I'm greeted by a 22 or 23ish, somewhere around that age, guy.

Uhm. Right. ''Hi, i've got a delivery for Mr Harrington.

Immediately his eyes light up in recognition.

''Ah yes come on in.'' He opens the door further. Am i even allowed in here?

.......Well then.

Upon entering I'm met with some fifty something people clad in business suits mingling with each other, standing by the food table or sitting in chairs or sofas.

Taking my que, i walk up to the catering table and set down the cupcakes, opening the boxes for easy access.

Time to leave and-


....... Mother dearest,............ let me go home........ please.

''Yes mother?'' I turn around to find her standing beside a seated Mister Lucy and the guy who opened the door.

I don't wanna meet them, I wanna go home. Early leaves from job rarely happen. Don't steal that from me.

''Come here darling, have a seat'' she ushers me to the sofa opposite Mr Harrington. Oh for the life of me, let me leave woman!

Still I halfheartedly trudge towards her and take a seat.

Damn it, if i'm gonna be here for a while, then i'm not gonna be bored.

''It's nice to see you again Mister Lucy.''  I smirk at the older man.

He blushes and looks down. 

''Valencia!'' momma glares at me in shock. OOps-

''Sorry, Sorry.''

''it's fine.'' He waves me off. What a big heart.

''Valencia greet Levi, he's Sebastian's son.'' My mother point towards the guy who opened the door. 

Upon closer inspection, his green eyes and facial features do match Sebastian, the only clear difference is his bright blonde hair.

Does pretty run in the genes or something?!

''I like your genes.'' I blurt out to the two men in front of me and fuck me with a wall, why in the hell did i do that?!

Levi burst out into loud laughter accompanied but Sebastian's chuckles.

How to embarrass yourself 101 by Valencia Ainsley.

Imma go die now.

''Thank you for that compliment Valencia.'' Levi  says while chuckling. Stop already man.

''How are you even my daughter.'' Momma shakes her head at me.

''The better question is, how am i not your daughter. Cause let's face it you're equally as crazy mother.'' I shoot back. Look at the pot calling the kettle back. Hypocrite. Ha.

''I have no comment to that.'' Momma replies with a glint in her eyes.

''you two are quite close.'' Sebastian observes with a smile.

''Yes, yes we are.'' My mother replies and something in her eyes turns so soft and her smile a little sadder and i hate it. I hate the reasons for it.

After that the conversation moves back into the easy flow and we all end up laughing and enjoying. 

It's probably an hour later when my phone rings. 

Thinking it's Ezra or someone from the group wanting to talk, I excuse myself out into the far end of the empty hallway.

We've been having Felicity's math lessons for a week now.

At some point it just turned into us all gathering together for it and doing stuff after one hour of tutoring. 

The ringing of the phone pulls me out of my thoughts and I pick it up seeing as it was a number only it must have been someones house phone.

Oh how wrong I was.



Hi there..

Am I posting a chapter after a month?
Do i regret it?
maybe....not really.
Will I continue to post random updates whenever I want?

Regardless, i was gonna make it one big chapter but i'm splitting it in two.

For anyone reading, enjoy!

Later toodles.


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