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''I'm confused'' She says, tapping her fingers on the dining table as i work on dinner. I'm slightly off schedule, the dinner is still in process, but it's alright, not off by a lot.

''Rightfully so momma, I would be too.'' I reply, stirring the spaghetti in the pan.

''You were so dead in the morning, i was so scared, yet 15 hours later and you seem fine as any other day. You've never gotten over something like that this fast. What happened?''

''I don't know either mom, but I met these people,  and even though i've only known them for a few hours, they were able to make me happy, smile, laugh, and forget the bad stuff. For the first time without meaning to, without intruding, someone actually lightened me up.'' I reply with obvious hints of smile.

 A single day, and i feel so happy so easily. I laughed and smiled and caused mischief. I forgot about my demons, though temporarily, but completely. That in itself makes me so grateful for the encounters i've had today. That's enough reason to be happy.

Mom looks over at me as I hum and smile, and her face splits into the happiest grin I've ever seen. Soon enough she's out of her seat and hugging the air out of me.

''You don't know how happy, how so happy I am seeing you finally be genuinely happy. If this is how your bad day has ended then it's okay if it began with tears. Just always smile like this at the end of each day my munchkin, always smile.'' with that she pulls away, obvious tears in her eyes, and tenderly kisses my forehead. I can feel my own eyes fill up with tears but before they fall I hug my momma again. I feel like a child in her mother's embrace, I feel at home again.

A few moments later I pull away, wipe my eyes, her eyes and turn back to the stove, before the food burns.'' Now that the sentiments are over, lets eat food, I'm hungry, and you need to tell me about your day'' I say finally closing the stove, and changing subjects.


That was one hell of a day. In a lot of ways I believe. Also a very long day. 

There are some days in life where unknowingly a lot of stuff happens and you feel as if it's gonna bring about a big change. This was one of those randomly important days. Which has now ended in exhaustion, even though i took a short nap in the afternoon. But then again i cleaned up a whole cafe so i deserve rest.

But before i rest, i have my homework. Yes people you heard me, i gotta write that prose for literature. We have same schedules for classes everyday, so that's first thing in the morning.

Now writing is something i enjoy, alongside art, very much. Plus it's been my safe haven for a long time, so it's special to me, thus i don't write anything half assed. So i'll give this my all too. Moreover I already have words swimming in my head that i wanted to write so this is as good as any opportunity.

So i pick up my pen and open my diary, where i store bits of my heart, the only place where i can write. And i start writing, forming words, arranging sentences, speaking of my soul, and speaking for other souls. I write, in love and and drunk off of my own mind.

Soon enough i'm done. The words that stare back at me tell me of truths, harsh but beautiful truths, and in the wake of these words i make my way to the ledge by my window, sitting down swallowed up by my huge sweater.

It's currently 12:00 and technically I should be in bed, but I'm not, I'm beside the night sky, floating alongside stars. Writing something always leaves me with a tranquil feeling. I feel like writing more, thinking more. I feel more. 

 I stare up at the night sky, as i often do instead of sleeping some days. The stars twinkle at me, smile at me and I think, I open a new page on my diary, and I write.

 The stars twinkle at me, smile at me and I think, I open a new page on my diary, and I write

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