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It has been a week since school started, and more importantly, only 2 weeks before the incident that took place. Though my relationships are blooming, the nightmares are increasingly getting worse. It's not on the same level as it was on my first day of school, that was a sudden ambush. No, this time around the nightmares are steadily building up, and slowly my energy is being consumed into oblivion.

My limbs ache as I stand up from the bed at 6. Momma came in a while back to wake me up. Even she could see my deteriorating energy, as a result she wasn't as nagging as she usually is. I'm ever so grateful. 

Even though I'm mentally spent, i still feel like attending school. The thought actually makes me feel a bit better. Over the course of the past week, I've really grown fond of my band of misfits. Sure Felicity was annoying as always, Felix was still a brooding little shit, Morgan was still a quiet shell and Ezra still too awkward too hold a conversation. But i have started looking forward to our morning locker meetings, lunch-time and art gatherings. They've grown on me. 

And that scares the ever living daylights out of me.

Yet i still can't bring myself to let them go. 

I make my way into the shower and turn on the cold settings, i really need to feel a little more awake, and cold water helps.

Stepping out of the shower i make my way to my closet, pulling out a grey sweater with some dark grey ripped jeans. I braid my hair into pigtails, and with the usual chap-stick and mascara proceed to make my way down. For breakfast i simply make peanut butter sandwiches, because really, i don't wanna cook.  

I'm munching on the sandwich when Mom comes down.

''Hey munchkin, how are you?'' she pats my head as she takes a seat.

Me being a complete lethargic baby, i get up from my seat, sit on the floor, and snuggle into momma's thighs, my head in her lap. She sighs and run's her fingers through my head, and i don't care if she messes up my hair, i don't ever want her to top.

''Val, my darling, I know I shouldn't interfere, but it's only two weeks away, and I know the nightmares are taking a toll on you. If it get's really bad, you can always call Doctor Miles or set up an appointment. You know money and distance isn't an issue.'' She suggests as she continues to comb through my hair. Though she phrases it as a suggestion, i know she really wants me to call Doctor Miles.

''Yeah i might phone him in a few days. I'm just really tired mommy. Too tired'' I agree with her. I know i need to call Dr.Miles. He's the only therapist I've had that can help me out. And i know when i need to get help, i won't deny myself it either.

''Come on munchkin stand up, i need to leave for work and you need to go to school. Come on.'' She says getting up and dragging me with her. Shuffling my feet i make my way out the house right on her tail.


Upon entering the school, i am met once again with the same, scornful and disgusted looks, and i couldn't care any less. I've gotten used to these immature brats and there unreasonable stares. They can go fuck themselves.

I move to my locker where Felix, Felicity and Morgan are already present. For some reason we all just started gathering at my locker, not that I mind.

''Valley, heyyyy!!!'' Felicity shouts as she jumps in my arms to hug me. I catch her, thankfully not falling on my feet and laugh at her. She's a hyperactive ball that has way too much energy but her antics are starting to grow on me, they're slightly less annoying. 

''Yes felicity i get that you're excited to see me, but you don't need to jump me in the hallways.'' I say pushing her back and sending a wink her way. She laughs out loud, getting the meaning of my words. I guess i'm pretty not okay too. Oh well.

''You do realize that you humoring her only makes it worse right?'' Felix remarks to me. A small smirk gracing his features.

''Oh hush, Felix. It's not like she's annoying you. Go back to fawning over glasses.'' I comment. Felicity laughs and I join her. Over the past week, she and I have joined forces in annoying Felix over a certain someone. Poor him is under attack from two sides. I pity him. Not.

Felix's cheeks turn pink as he mumbles out an aggressive 'shut up' which only makes me and Fel laugh more.

''You're all cheerful in the morning.'' a voice whispers right by my ear and i jump up letting out a shriek.

''What the hell Ezra, don't sneak up on me you ghost of a being. I nearly dropped my heart.'' I exclaim. In return to which his mismatched eyes only lighten up in humor as he shakes his head. 

''I wouldn't mind picking it up.'' Ezra comments as he moves to his locker, one away from mine, leaving me behind with wide eyes and open mouth. When did he get so confident?!

As I stand surprised, an arm slings over my shoulder, with a breathy laughter at my ear. ''Ho Ho Ho, I smell something fishy.'' Felix cackles in humor. 


''Shut up Felix, go die or something.'' I mumble moving away. My turn to be uncomfortable.

I move beside Morgan, who's standing nose deep in another book, and while I too enjoyed my fair share of books, this girls was so obsessed that she couldn't breathe without them, and while reading it was as if she was deaf, didn't exist. 

Though it was her mental absence that made it all the more easier for Felicity and I to go about our antics, so i m a bit grateful for it.

''Hey Morgan,'' I tap her shoulder, making her jump a feet up in air. I'm pretty sure she forgot she was here, or that we were here.

''W-what? I-I'm sorry were you s-saying something?'' She stutters out, and i pat her head, she was a few inches shorter than me.

''Nothing, I just wanted for you to join in our conversation. I'd like it if you would be more comfortable.'' I tell her softly.

''I-I'm sorry''

''I don't want you to apologize glasses, I'm not asking you to do this because we mind it, we're okay with you. But maybe give yourself a chance to break out of that shell of yours yeah?''

In reply she meekly nods her head. I smile at her once again as I ruffle her brown mess of a hair. She gives a short smile back.

The bell rings right that second and we all split up for our classes. Me tagging behind Ezra, the tall oaf. All of a sudden his previous remark rings in my head and annoyance creeps in, he can't one up me like that! So i rush ahead smacking my elbow in his side as i move past him, hearing an oof behind me. Ha! serves him right.


It is in the middle of our literature class that I am assured of my future occupation as a criminal. Cause I'm about to cut up a bitch and it ain't gonna be pretty.

We've been studying Macbeth by Shakespeare recently, it's pretty fun, or rather it would be if the chick behind me would shut up. She's been constantly muttering in her partner's ear and oh god oh god is she about to lose that tongue of hers. I might have actually subdued a bit of my temper if she was just muttering but no, she was barking regarding Ezra and I. I could feel her eyes boring into me.

 Courtesy of Ezra, I am yet to throw hands, as he held my left one tightly in his. 

As for what that chick is mumbling about, well it goes along the lines of, ''Ah it's the dead eyed freak and the murderer freak getting along so well. You think they click so well cause she looks dead and he killed someone, must be made for each other. They disgust me ewww.''

This fucking bitch, who the hell is she calling names and what is with that lame attempt at an insult. One more word, just one more word and Ezra's strong grip isn't gonna be able to hold me back.

''You know it'd be interesting i she actually did die what with the freaky eyed murderer, then she really would look dead hahaha.'' 

Ha. Ha. Ha. Lo and behold, I'm gonna dig her up a grave to bury her soon to be a corpse of a body.

I forcefully remove Ezra's hand from my own, judging my his own clenched fist, I know he's pretty affected too. Oh she's gonna pay.

I swiftly raise my hand into the air. ''Mr Snow, Sir'' 

My voice stops the man from his analytical speech and he raises his brows towards me. ''Yes, Miss Ainsley?''

With a very creepy smile I inform him of my future actions. '' Well Sir, I didn't want you to be disrupted due to shock so i thought i'd gain your attention beforehand. I apologize in advance and ask that you excuse me.''

''For Wha-''


Oh yes i did. I turned around swiftly and slapped that piece of shit, the noise ringing loud and clear and my hand imprinted in red on her cheek.

The whole room falls silent. if one were to really listen closely, they could hear the ooooh from the burn.

''Valencia Ainsley!! Just what are you doing?!'' Mr Snow gapes at the scene as the victim, not really, holds her cheek, tears dripping down her face. Wow she's pathetic.

''Nothing Sir, the lady behind me was simply quite obsessed with the idea of death and murder, I though i'd give her a slight demonstration of what it would feel like to die. Obviously My demonstration only delivered a tiny amount of pain in comparison to the real feeling of death. I thought it would pull her out of these dark thoughts. I do believe the play has gotten to her head, maybe we should change the play from Macbeth, or else she really might end up dead by the end of it.'' I say as innocently as possible, directing a glare to the bitch at the last part of it.

Mr Snow continues to stand speechless and in the midst of this the bell rings. I grab Ezra's hand and am out of there before the sound of bell has even faded. I feel nice, my hand is still tingling. Hehehehehehehe.

We soon come to a stop by the math class. The students mostly linger in the hallway so Ezra and I make our way to seats in the far back. As soon as my butt touches the chair, I am breaking out into hysterical laughter, the whole shaking, slamming the table, crying laughter. Ezra stares at me still processing the previous moment and then as if I've finally gone crazy, which I may have, but the he starts laughing too and soon we're both laughing in tears.

Our laughter is only stopped when the teacher comes in, but still a few chortles escape our mouths. Oh how fun! I feel energized!!


''Is it just me or are the glares more intense today?'' Felicity asks slipping into our lunch table, opposite me and Ezra. Soon she is joined on her sides by her twin and Morgan.

At the mention of the glares, Ezra and I burst into another fit of laughter, the rest looking at us confused.

''W-what happened t-to you both?'' A quiet voice finally forces us to stop laughing.

Morgan spoke! I remember our chat from the morning and smile at her.

Every ones stares at us eagerly for the details, and with as much enthusiasm and as loud as i can i narrate the events of literature. Felicity is the first to break out into loud laughter, followed closely by Felix's amused chuckles and among them i manage to hear the quiet but sure laughter of Morgan. Ezra and I join in..

The lunch moves swiftly after that. 

Through out the whole 40 minutes of lunch the bugs around us continue their muttering and glares, but it's so amusing that we let them be. It is right before we leave though, that Felicity and I pull another stunt.

Right before we leave the cafeteria, Felicity and I stop and turn around at the door.

In a loud voice I shout, ''Hey!'' Which gathers the attention of all the student there as they turn to look a us.

Then in perfect sync, Felicity and I raise our hands, put out our middle fingers and yell '' FUCK YOU ALL!!!''

With that we turn our backs and run away, laughing our ass off, leaving behind a horde of raging and angry emotional teens.

 Oh well, they'll get over it, and if not then, i really couldn't spare two cents.



Another chappy here. i wanted to put in some drama and fun stuff cause who doesn't like cursing people, so yeah. Moreover i'm developing a bond between the characters so hopefully that goes well. Any ways some sad drama will come up in the next few chappies so wait for it.

see you when i see you, unless i don't.


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