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Some habits develop over time. You unconsciously began doing somethings and before you know it you're doing it every time, and even knowing that you do, you can't stop it. And it is because of one of these habits that Momma dearest has currently knocked down the door and is lecturing me.

''You were wide awake weren't you? For how long? let me guess, 30 minutes, 20 minutes?!'' She questioned and answered and continued.''If you were awake then get up, get out of bed and move your ass. Who do you think is gonna clean up this mess, huh?'' And she chastised me again.

''But it isn't 6:00 yet. You know I get up at six. It's not new. So why are you here again?'' I replied to her. My usual reply to our usual banter. 

She knows my schedule. she knows I only leave bed at 6:00. It doesn't matter if I've been awake for the past few hours. I. only. leave. bed. at. six.
But she insists. she insists on coming in right before the clock strikes my alarm and then doing this lecture thingy, minus the cleaning part. Wait the cleaning part is included from time to time. But hey in my defense there is a very well order to my mess. It seems like it but everything is where its supposed to be.
Anyhow, back to the topic. So she barges in. We have our usual banter of sorts. And then she leaves back to her room to get ready while I pick my ass up and get to work on breakfast. Schedule. Schedule.

But I know why she does it. She knows my routine and how useless it is for her to do this every morning. Yet she still does it. And I understand. It is her way of making sure. She's making sure it's alright, that I'm alright. But she knows I'm not. Her version of whether I'm alright or not is making sure I'm not any worse.

But a little compassion you know, like geez woman slow the pedal but nooooo  she has to ruin my peace but- SMACK.

''Ow!'' She just hit me. With her flip flop. On my head. ''What the hell Mom?!''

''Your face. That monologue going on in your head, I know you were talking bad about me. 'Mom is so over protective and so nosy and blah blah blah.'  you think I can't read that face? Well think again. Now. Move it.

And so she leaves. 

The assailant has withdrawn people. And thus I must get up too, before she comes back and make breakfast. It has to be done by 6:30, for which I have half an hour left, so I'm gonna squeeze in a shower. God knows I stink.


So apparently there in no concept of Hot Water. Since this is a new house the plumbing needs to be checked.
But a little Heads up mom? Like warn me that the Hot water is not working because I just dowsed myself in freezing cold water. And. IT. IS. COLD.

However since i have already stepped in, might as well finish. So I'm guessing no one is interested in my vanilla shampoo and body wash, and my mint tooth paste, and herbal face wash, so we're gonna skip that. We sure as hell didn't skip that though, tehe.

But My looks. OOF!! If I do say, HOT!
My coal black hair, that is usually as long as my hip bone, but is currently stringy and knotted into a rats nest.
My grayish blue eyes, that seems as if a thunderstorm decided to wreck the ocean and the ocean is now confused of its colour and so its all shifty shifty. Very Shitty. 
My Lips that are extremely red and purplish pink, from me constantly biting and chewing and pulling at them.
My straight nose. I actually like you.
And the Dark permanent circles under my eyes.

The epitome of beauty. A goddess. A painting. 
Oh how thou leave me in awe.

The gorgeous me has finally taken a shower, and also swooned over myself. I must now, wearing my spongebob onsie, head to the stove. Go me!! And spongebob.


''It is currently 6:29 and today we will be  serving 2 plates of 3 fluffy pancakes stacked on each. With maple syrup and a side of chopped strawberries and bananas. Alongside 2 warm heavenly cups of coffee.'' I announce. Very Very proudly.

''This looks nice. Lovely, Val.'' Momma bear compliments.

''Pay more attention to the coffee. Its exactly how you like. Black with 2 sugars. Smell good doesn't it?'' I ask searching for compliments. Yes hail the great me.

''It does smell nice. Smells like......'' she trails of in thought.

''Like what?''

''Like New Beginnings'' She says with a cheesy cringe worthy smile. 

And so i tell her exactly that. ''could you possibly have been more cheesy, like I feel like I'm gonna puke'' i say while making gagging sounds.

''Would you like a 3 inch heel to your head this time, dear?'' She says in a sickly sweet tone, in return to which I become sickly pale.

''Oh would you look at that. All the food is getting cold. We should eat, yes definitely. New Beginnings and all you know'' I fumble with my words and cover up, sitting down to eat.

Wouldn't want to be hit by that heel. Happened once and never again.
I can still feel the pain of that bruise in my arm at night.


So people we have officially began. 

¬¬¬¬¬¬¬Reach out and ,
Show a little loving,
shine a little light on me.¬¬¬¬¬¬¬


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