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So apparently I was wrong. Firstly, the day wasn't faring well at all. It was now lunch time, half the day has passed and other than the fiasco in English literature nothing has happened to distract me or make my mood any better, that emptiness and numbness is still prominently present.

Secondly, the reason why that guy, Ezra, apologized to me wasn't because he was worried i was too mad or something like that. I figured out the reason while we were travelling through the hallways in between classes and during the other 2 classes we shared. The guy was the center of attention and not in a good way. Pretty much every corner people were staring at him in scorn and hate, maintaining a good distance from him. Sure there were a few admiring glances, you can't deny how handsome he was, but even those were pulled aside and lost within the swarm of hateful ones. What people were doing to him, that was blatantly, shamelessly staring and I didn't need to know the guy to tell that it was uncomfortable as anything for him.

And so it doesn't need a genius to conclude that the apology towards me was a form of empathy. He knew better than anyone the feeling of stares and being on the receiving end of it, you wouldn't want to do it to anyone else. And I appreciate that gesture of his more now.

But really aside from observing that detail I didn't do anything else. I couldn't even focus on my lessons which wasn't exactly the brightest of ideas considering i'm already a week behind and i need to maintain my grade and my seat in the advanced classes.

Yet my brain is so distracted and unfocused on every thing, which is exactly why I walk straight into the glass cafeteria doors.  It's like in movies where there is a door in front of you but for some reason you think it's not and you try to walk through it but you ended up walking straight into it.
And now my nose hurts. I can hear the chuckles of people passing by me and my cheeks flush with embarrassment and an anger which is irrational. But I'm having a bad day so I'l blame the mood swings on that.

Rubbing my nose I enter the cafeteria and head to the lunch line, picking up a chicken salad, a cup of pudding and water. I have doubts about the pizza and pasta, they don't seem hygienic enough to eat. Plus I'm not really that hungry, my stomach still feels queezy from all the abuse it went through in the morning today, I don't think i can stomach a good amount of food right now, so Salad it is.

Picking up my food, I look around for a place, and not in the mood for any interactions, I take a seat in the corner of the cafeteria right by the floor to ceiling see through glass wall that over looks the plush school grounds.

Moreover , another reason for me not wanting to sit with others, is that regardless of today, I in general am not a social butterfly or anything like that. I like to keep to myself in public places, and school has never a place where i was well known or had a large amount of friends. I was awkward and rude to people and honestly just don't like them in all. So this right here was normal behavior. Sure I'm a weird ass person but that's only for Mom and two of my friends back home, and even with them i wasn't exactly the same. It was my recovering period so I was trying but it wasn't really there, the genuineness.

I suppose this is another one of those instilled habits. Not wanting to be in the company of people, of being scared to let them in. Because the more people you let close, the more people there are to leave, and I don't think i'm ever gonna be ready for that again.

Being preoccupied by my thoughts, I failed to notice the the number of people on the table. There are a total of 4 new additions on the before empty table and now that i notice all the other tables are taken. 

I immediately recognize the mismatched eyes of Ezra, who without my noticing is seated right opposite me. Other than him I spot a girl and a boy sitting closely together near the far end of the table on Ezra's side, and beside me -well leaving three seats- is a girl. She's wearing glasses and half of her face is hidden by the long wavy brown hair, so i can't really make out any facial features, plus she's buried in a book so i wouldn't be able to see her either ways. The other two are too far for me to make out clearly, but they both have brown hair and their heads down into their mobile phones. They seem close, could be a couple or something, I don't really care. Well that was the total populace of our quiet lunch table, however it wasn't awkward at all. We were all people immersed in our own minds, doing our own things and so there was no need for any conversation. We all seemed to find comfort in the quiet. It was the first time that silence in presence of other people was not awkward for me. And I liked it.

What I didn't like however was being watched. I had snapped at people for staring at me twice already today. And I'm pretty sure I'm gonna make it thrice any moment now. I was only refraining myself because this time it wasn't just me being stared at. Our whole table was the target of these stares. Going by the snotty looks directed at each resident I'd say none of us were in the good books. However I'm confused as to why I was receiving mean looks, like i just transferred people, I haven't had enough time to steal any of your treasures to land me in this position. Maybe it had something to do with my seating arrangement but whatever the case or reason for the stares, I was seriously getting annoyed.

I donot like being watched.At all. And I've been keeping my patience to not blow it out of proportion but you know what, fuck this.

I throw down the spoon of my half eaten pudding and stand up abruptly. ''Would you stop fucking staring at us?!'' I shout out.

''Stop with the bloody stares already!'' Another voice snaps right in sync with mine.

Apparently the brunette sitting by the guy had the same idea as me. Well at least I'm not the only one being annoyed so this isn't irrational. 

The crowd in the cafeteria jumps due to the sudden sound. Every one further stares at us, in shock or in more hate. However the brunette and I remain standing up and glare fiercely at these shit heads. And I know my glare works because I know accompanied with the dead look in my eyes I look ready to murder them, which I might as well, and there is no doubt that the brunette would help me hide the bodies, going by the murderous look in her own eyes. 

Seeing as we wouldn't back down, the students all turn their gazes away. Good for them, because if they didn't i would've have gouged out their eyes.

The two of us then sit back down. She stares at me through her deep blue eyes, that I can now  make out on her beautiful face, and nods at me as if in acknowledgement and thanks. I nod back as a sign of reciprocation. We both then turn away, as she focuses on her phone and I finish up my pudding which is really nice. I love me my sweets.

After finishing I notice that there's still 15 minutes left so I take out my book and began reading. I'm halfway through a chapter when the chair beside me scrapes. I turn my head to find the blue eyed girl sitting beside me. I raise an eyebrow in question to which she replies by introducing her self.

''Felicity Stone.'' She tells me her name.
''Valencia Ainsley'' I reply back, being mannerly.

I could tell the others were silently listening in and I didn't mind it. After all they had ears, they would end up hearing even without wanting to.

''I wanted to say verbally thank you for standing up for us all back there, It felt nice to have a partner in telling those bastards off.'' And I notice the slight British accent in her strong voice.

''Don't sweat it. I did it because it was getting unbearable for me. I don't like staring and would have done the same whether you were here or not. Ask Ezra, he was the second person i told off today.'' I said nodding toward the silent brooding beauty across from me.

Felicity looks toward Ezra, her face showing surprise that I know him or that someone told him off, whichever was going on in her head. Ezra on the other hand nods his head in affirmative to my claim. How ever feeling the need to defend Himself he also adds, '' I apologized for staring though.'' in a deep quiet voice.

His defensive answers lifts my mood slightly. ''That you did.'' I reply, playfulness visible in my tone.
In response to my words, his mismatched eyes lighten a shade and his lips quirk up on one side, and I can easily tell that his mood has also lightened.

A sudden laughter breaks the mood and i turn toward Felicity who's bend over the table laughing quite hysterically. '' y-you snapped at this guy right here. The guy known for not taking nay bullshit from people.'' She stutters through her laughter pointing at me, ''And you actually apolo- apologized.'' She says pointing at Ezra, before breaking into another fit of laughter.

We both look at her strangely while she calms down. ''Sorry that was just too funny'' she says wiping her eyes. Ezra and I stare at each other and then her, not getting the humor at all.

After the little laughter of felicity dies down she points at the guy who was with her, the guy who is now a seat away from Ezra. ''Anyways, this is Felix stone, my twin brother, but he's a shy guy so ignore him.''

''I'm not shy!'' An immediate protest is heard from Felix. His hazel eyes narrowed into slits, throwing a glare at his sister. 

So they were siblings. Guess I was wrong abut the couple thingy, not that I was sure in the first place.

Felicity and Felix bickered back and forth like little kids while Ezra continued with the sloppy pasta, yet I could see he was amused with the way he'd look at the twins in between bites.

However the only invisible resident of our table, who wasn't so invisible to me, was the glasses girl. Since we were all introducing ourselves I decided to pull her in too.

''So glasses girl, what's your name?'' I ask, to which she further buries her nose in her book and mumbles something.

''What?'' I ask again. By now all the attention was on glasses and me.

''Morgan Monroe'' she says a bit clearly this time, Taking her head out from her book.

Her wavy hair fell around her face, and her big brown eyes were full of nerves through her thick frames. Now she was shy. Unlike Felix who's actually a brooding brat. I liked her small presence, reminded me of my past self.

''Well it's good to have you here.'' I say, mustering up a tiny smile, to which she hesitantly smiles back.

With that the bell rings signaling the end of lunch, and our group of misfits get up. And i say this because we are misfits. It's easy to see that none of us belong within these people who are to put it nicely, annoying assholes.

Coincidentally I share my next biology class with the two stones, so we move our way, while Ezra and Morgan move separately. 

And as I walk behind the two bickering idiots in front of me, I realize that this is the most comfortable I've felt with people in my entire life, other than momma dearest. 

So in a way i guess its true, those of us who don't fit in with the society, fit in with each other. The five of, its safe to assume, are the definition of misfits and so it is a bond of understanding with a fellow misunderstood soul that makes me feel like I belong, which is a very, very dangerous thought process to have. For someone like me, these feelings of empathy and understanding can end up being fatal, and so i'm walking on thin ice as of right now, with my decision of acquainting these people. I'm hoping fate doesn't mess this up for me.

Then again I shouldn't expect anything from this contradicting piece of shit at all. 
Yes, I'm talking about fate.



So this chapter is very late, which shouldn't have happened. But it did. Because I'm lazy and sometimes my brain doesn't cooperate, but I made it.
This chapter isn't exactly all that information filled and all but the plot will began to progress from here on out, now that most of the characters are in. So look forward to that.

Anyways, once again comment and vote if you like what you see. I'd appreciate any views and opinions I can get. Thnx.

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