Room 301

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Third Person POV

Jin had woken up from a long nap when they stopped. He rubbed his eyes.

"Are we here?" He asked.

"Of course we're here dumbass. We only made one stop and that was a long fucking time ago," spat the boy, Jungkook, or what Jin addresses him as, junglebook.

Jungkook and Jin never got along. It all started when Jin, a few months ago, freshly graduate of college, had decided it was a good idea to sit next to Jungkook. Now, what's bad about that you may ask? Jungkook hates when someone sits next to him. So when Jin noticed Jungkook's angry expression and asked him what's wrong, Jungkook throat punched him. And of course, Jin being Jin, throat punched him and pulled a few hair strands out.

"Shut the fuck up bitch I wasn't talking to your ass," Jin said as he rolled his eyes at him.

Jungkook went up to him and stepped on Jin's toe and ran outside.

"Oh fuck~," Jin moaned as he held his toe. "My toe."

Jin grabbed all of his stuff and hopped on the foot that wasn't hurt outside. He quickly spotted Jungkook and stomped on his foot 10 times.


Jin quickly ran away into the place they were gonna stay. He laughed like a kid until he felt someone slap his ass. He looked back to see Jungkook and smiles.

"Harder," Jin demanded.

Jungkook Starred at Jin confusingly, shook his head and walked away. Jin laughed as he walked to see what room he was gonna be in.

"Room 301," he said to himself.

He got the key from "Captain" and went to his room.

Time skip

For the past 3 hours, Jin had looked at the photos he had took in the city they were previously in, which was in this city on New York.

"I wish we never left this beautiful place," Jin said to himself, putting the camera down.

Jin decided he should get cleaned up since it was wayyyyy last his bed time.

He went to his bathroom and got ready for bed. He washed his face, took a shower, brushed his teeth, brushed his hair, and basically anything the normal person would do in a morning routine.

Right before he went to bed, he had looked at some posts on Instagram about food. He had desired to be a chef, but he thought this would be more fun.

"Why didn't I just become a chef?," he asked himself before putting his phone on his bedside table. He turned off his lights and passed out.

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