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Third person POV

Jin and Taehyung both woke up with a pounding headache. They had drank so much last night, and told many secrets. Jin, who was the most drunk, has no memory of what happened last night. Taehyung, remembers last nuggg word by word and regrets remembering it all.

   "Oh my gosh what happened last night?," moaned Jin as he sat up.

  "You were so drunk last night," Said Taehyung. "You told me all your dirty secrets."

   "Oh noooooo," Jin pouted. "Now I'm under your rule. Fuck~"

   "No cursing," Said Taehyung. "That's rule number 1."

   "WHAT!," Exclaimed Jin. 

   Taehyung smirked as he went back to sleep. Jin's Head was hurting too much. Jin has gotten some medicine to take so his headache could stop.

   "I hate medicine," Jin said to himself after taking his medicine.

Jin was about to go in the bathroom right before Taehyung stopped him.

"Taehyung what do you want?"

"I take a shower before you this morning," Said Taehyung, slipping into the bathroom.

"Damn..." muttered Jin.

"NO CURSING!," Yelled Taehyung.

Time skip

"Ok, let's go somewhere," Taehyung suggested.

"Taehyung, it's 5:00 P.M. where are we gonna go?," Jin Asked.

"You'll see when we get there," Taehyung said, putting on his shoes.

Jin grabbed his keys and put his shoes on. He left the place with Taehyung. The two held hands and walked to the place Taehyung wanted to go.

"Let me blindfold you," Said Taehyung, putting a blindfold on Jin.

Jin walked, holding onto Taehyung's shoulder. The breeze from the outside gave Jin goosebumps. It was chillier than other nights. Maybe it was because fall was coming in a few days. Jin still couldn't believe that he only had a few days left With Taehyung. He didn't want to leave him. He and Taehyung loved each other so much. They never wanted to leave each others side.

"Ok, we're here," Taehyung told Jin, removing his blindfold.

When Jin opened his eyes, he saw nothing. Just an open field with a lot of grass.

"There's nothing here."

"Walk," Taehyung commanded.

Jin did as he was told. When he took the first steps, hundreds of fireflies came up from the grass, illuminating Taehyung and Jin's faces. Jin smiled, eyes glittering as he saw the fireflies go up in the sky. Taehyung back hugged Jin and then kissed Jin on the cheek. Then he laid his head on Jin's shoulder, enjoying the view with him.

"This is amazing," Jin said in awe.

"Just like you, Jin. I love you so much."

"I love you too."

Jin turned around to Taehyung and starred into his beautiful eyes. Jin put his hands over Taehyung's shoulders and kissed him.

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