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Seokjin's POV

   I walked outside in the warm afternoon. I had packed a picnic and hopefully Taehyung would be there so we can eat it together.

   "So I have sandwiches, cookies, crackers, and what is it? Sodas."

   I bumped into someone who had their hood down and looking down. They fell down let out a small yelp.

   "Oh my gosh are you ok?," I asked as a sat down next to them.

   "Yeah, I'm ok," they said, sitting up.

   When they say up, I could see that it was Taehyung. We were about 2 inches away from each other. I could feel my ears get red.

"Shit I'm sorry," I said as I moved my face back.

   "It's fine."

   Then I thought I heard him mumble something else, but I think it was just a figure of my imagination. I got up and then helped him up.

   "I got you pants all dirtied, sorry about that," I apologize as I dusted his pants off.

   "What's the basket for?," Taehyung Asked.

   "I wanted to ask if we can go on a picnic together?," I asked as I got up.

   I saw Taehyung's face light up with joy. He hugged me.

   "Of course Seokjin!" Exclaimed Taehyung.

   I hugged him back tighter, loving every second of it. We stayed in the hug for a long time. It didn't matter to me because I love hugs.

   When we both pulled away, we saw a lot of people just staring at us. They had their phone out and was video recording us. Taehyung looked down and frowned. He doesn't like this. I know he doesn't like this.

   "Let's go Taehyung," I said as I grabbed his hand.

   I grabbed our picnic and left the pool of people. I could feel them still video recording us so I decided to say something about it.

   "Mind your own fucking business, will you?," I spoke, and then walking away.

   Taehyung held onto my hand very tightly. We were close together. No personal space whatsoever.

   "Where is your place?," Asked Taehyung.

   "It's that," I pointed the building I've been living in for the past few days.

   I pulled Taehyung to my room and opened it. I laid the food on my floor and kicked my shoes off. Taehyung did the same with his shoes.

   "What about the picnic?" Taehyung Asked.

   "I don't want it anymore."

   "Can I eat it?"


   As soon as I said that Taehyung ran to the basket and opened it. He took the first thing he saw and ate it.

   "You sure are hungry Taehyung," I Mentioned as I watched him.

   When I saw him, he was moved on from the sandwiches. He was on the snacks.

   "Taehyung slow down you're gonna get a stomach ache," I said as I took the food from his face.


   "It's fine. Just, why are you so hungry like you haven't eaten in days?"

   "I'm not sure."

   "Look, you got crumbs all over your face," I said as I picked every little crumb off of him.

   Taehyung looked me straight in the eyes. I did too. I could feel Taehyung's eyes being like a magnet, slowly luring me in. I didn't even realize it when we were just a few centimeters away. I closed my eyes as I felt my lips on his.

   My lips went on sync with his for a few seconds until I realized what I was doing. I pulled away and held onto my lips.

   "Oh my gosh I just kissed a boy," I felt so shocked about it.

   "Yeah, And it was amazing."

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