Roses and lights

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Third person POV

It was 7:00 P.M.. it was almost completely dark outside before Taehyung decided it was time for the two to go.

"I can't wait to see the surprise," Said Jin, putting on his shoes and grabbing his camera.

"Ok but before we leave let me tie this blindfold on you," Taehyung said as He grabbed his pink blindfold. Taehyung blindfolded Seokjin tightly before leading him outside.

"Wow I can't see shit," Jin said.

"That's the point," Said Taehyung.

Taehyung lead him to the park where they first met. There was a tent that Taehyung led Jin to.

"Now sit down," Taehyung commanded.

Jin did as he said and sat. Taehyung removed the blindfold. The first thing that Jin saw when he first opened his eyes was a beautiful array of lights and flowers. Roses, to be exact. In the middle was a picnic basket with a thin pink blanket underneath.

"Oh my goodness Taehyung!," Exclaimed Jin as he hugged the other.

"Do you like it?," Taehyung Asked.

"'Do I like it?' Taehyung, I LOVE IT," Jin picked Taehyung up. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!"

"Ok ok I get it now put me down," Said Taehyung.

Jin put Taehyung down and smiled brightly to He other. Jin places a quick kiss on his cheek and hugged the male again.

"Let's enjoy the picnic you set up," Jin suggested as he went to the picnic.

Time skip

Jin and Taehyung were laughing and telling jokes on the way back to the place. They were enjoying each other. Jin has managed to finish getting all the photos. Now he just needed the poem.

"Hey Jin, can I talk to you?" Asked Jungkook.

"Sure," responded Jin.

Taehyung took Jin's key and walked inside of the place. It was just Jin and Jungkook.

"You and that dude are dating right?" Jungkook Asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Jin, I know I can't make your decisions and we aren't all that friendly to each other, but you can't date him."

"Why can't I Jungkook?," Jin Asked.

"Because what you're having is a summer romance, and summer romances don't have the chance to grow," Jungkook answered. "Jin, when you leave here you're gonna be heartbroken. You're gonna miss him. It's not worth dating him if In the end you're gonna break up."

"Well, I haven't loved someone in a while and I needed a change. Even if it means that we are breaking up in the end."

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