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A week later
Third person POV

   Taehyung woke up in his "house" at sunrise. His "house" was a bunch of boxes with cut up sun blockers protecting the inside. It had a blanket with a thin mat and a mini pillow. It had a lot of food from when Taehyung first moved out from his old house. It had all the kitchen necessities and toiletries. His house had a few clothes, too. Then lastly, his drawings and his camera.

   "I want a pop tart," he said as he went to his food area.

   He grabbed one chocolate pop tart and sat back on his bed. He gobbled the pop tarts up and grabbed two more.

   "No matter how much I eat of these they never fill me up."

Time skip

   Taehyung walked to the nearest gas station with his toiletries that he bought using the money from when he prostituted a few months ago and a new pair of clothes.

   He walks inside and goes straight to the family restroom.

   "HEY HOMLESS!," greets the store manager, Yoongi. "HOWS THAT HOMLESS LIFE GOING?!"

   "ITS GOING GOOD!," Taehyung Yelled back.

   Yoongi smiles to himself as Taehyung walked in the private bathroom. He likes him.

Time skip

   Taehyung sat on the bench where Seokjin and him first met.

   'I hope to see him today' Taehyung thought.

   "Hello again my friend," Seokjin sat next to him.

   "Hi Seokjin!" Taehyung smiles brightly as he turned to him.

   "How has your morning been?"

   "It's been nice for once. But you being here makes it better!"

   Taehyung and Jin got very close to each other over the week they've been together. Seokjin would visit regularly with Taehyung at the bench.

   "I'm so glad that I make your morning better for you. Makes me feel worth something."

  "You are worth something."

   "Yeah, a penny," Seokjin rolled his eyes.

   "No, you are worth 3000 diamonds."

   "Yeah right," Seokjin Laid his head on Taehyung's thigh.

   "I'm always right," Taehyung started to caress Seokjin's soft and fluffy hair.

Time skip

   Once it hit 6:00 P.M., Taehyung decided it was time for him to go back home.

He walked on the almost empty sidewalk. Shops were luckily still opened, so if something happened, hopefully people in the store can help him.

When he got to his house, it looked like someone had been inside of it. He looked inside and saw that half his food supply was gone. Pages of his drawings were ripped, but camera untouched.

Taehyung grabbed his camera and hugged it as he cried.

"Everything is ruined," he mumbled as he sobbed quietly. "Everything."

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